The CardSpace factor

Eric Norman ejnorman at
Fri Feb 16 21:36:26 UTC 2007

On Feb 16, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Drummond Reed wrote:

> George,
> If you're nominating "public personal identifier" as the name of a 
> proposed
> CardSpace attribute for an OpenID URL or XRI representing an 
> individual on a
> self-asserted card, I like it. It's a perfect counterpoint to the 
> current
> "private personal identifier" claim, which is really for internal 
> CardSpace
> use.

Instead of making an OpenID URL a self-asserted claim,
there might be another possible avenue to explore.

Set up CardSpace such that managed cards can be supplied
by a user's OpenID server.  The difference is that the
user does the managing.  That is, it's just a matter of
whether the user does her self-asserting on a server of
her choice or on some database on her desktop.  In either
case, the level of assurance is the same, isn't it?

Eric Norman

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