[Openid-specs-mobile-profile] CIBA test environment

Takahiko Kawasaki taka at authlete.com
Thu Feb 14 08:53:33 UTC 2019


We just announced our first version of Authlete with CIBA support.

Would anyone like to test client/RP implementations of CIBA against our
implementation? If so please drop an email to support at authlete.com and we
can create some client IDs on our cloud based test system (which includes a
web-based authentication device simulator). We also have a web-based
consumption device simulator.

Here are some links for further details about our CIBA activities in case
they might be of interest.

Tech Blog:
“CIBA”, a new authentication/authorization technology in 2019, explained by
an implementer

Press Release:

Best Regards,
Takahiko Kawasaki
Authlete, Inc.
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