[Openid-specs-igov] Oauth2 spec update pushed
Mike Varley
mike.varley at securekey.com
Tue Jan 9 15:35:12 UTC 2018
I have updated the spec wit Justin's corrections + suggestions.
To discuss:
* auth_time being required or not (I marked it as REQUIRED),
* scope profiles (particularly 'bio')
* section 4.3.1 describes the 'confidence level' that an OP has on the values its providing...
An important concept but maybe not for this spec?
Rendered doc can be found here:
From: Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov-bounces at lists.openid.net> on behalf of Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net>
Reply-To: Mike Varley <mike.varley at securekey.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 10:02 AM
To: Justin Richer <jricher at mit.edu>
Cc: Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net>
Subject: Re: [Openid-specs-igov] Oauth2 spec update pushed
>Thank-you for the review Justin - and I apologize to everyone for missing the last call.
>Given the holiday schedule, when will be the next call? Jan 10? I can hopefully incorporate the changes below into the doc for then.
>From: Justin Richer <jricher at mit.edu>
>Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 5:30 PM
>To: Mike Varley <mike.varley at securekey.com>
>Cc: John Bradley <ve7jtb at ve7jtb.com>, "Paul A. Grassi" <paul.grassi at nist.gov>, Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net>
>Subject: Re: [Openid-specs-igov] Oauth2 spec update pushed
>>Comments on the OIDC profile updates:
>>Overall looks good, seems to address the most of the comments previously raised. A few additional comments:
>> - §3.1: under “sub”, “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED” is not a normative term defined by RFC2119. Change to “RECOMMENDED”, and perhaps provide a forward link to the privacy considerations section mentioned.
>> - §3.1: under “nonce”, typo “REQUIRED if if provided”, should be “REQUIRED if provided”, or really just “REQUIRED” since it’s required to be provided by the previous section
>> - §3.1: under “auth_time”, obviously normative requirement needs to be decided by the group; I’m on the fence as it’s very useful when authentication is an interactive event (as it is in most IdPs today) but less so when it’s continuous (as in
>> the case of things like Google and a growing number of others)
>> - §3.1: example VoT value doesn’t fit VoT syntax. A better example here would be “P1.C1” (using the NIST values from 800-63-D)
>> - §3.4: I’m a little worried by the “processed accordingly language if we don’t say what that processing will take
>> - §3.4: it’s not accurate to require “values from the standard”, since values can and will be defined external to the standard document; suggest fixing both this and the previous point by rewording this paragraph:
>>If the vtr (Vectors of Trust Request) value is present in the authorization request as defined in the [Vectors of Trust standard], the OpenID Provider SHOULD respond with a valid vot value as defined in [section 3.1]. Both the vtr and vot MUST
>> contain values in accordance with the [Vectors of Trust standard]. These values MAY be those defined in the [Vectors of Trust standard] directly or MAY be from a compatible The OpenID Provider MAY require the user to re-authenticate, provide a second factor,
>> or perform another action in order to fulfill the state requested in the vtr.
>> - §3.6: example of “vot” discovery value is found in the VoT spec under the discovery section; acr example in the OpenID Connect discovery spec
>> - §4.3.1: this was questioned in the review before, and this is not a usage that’s specified by the VoT draft document. VoT isn’t about attributes so much as the overall transaction, so it doesn’t fit here. Suggest we drop section 4.3.1 and its
>> associated fields in the example in 4.4. Attribute metadata is important work but I don’t think we’ve had enough discussion in this group to include it here yet.
>> - §5: last paragraph doesn’t add anything, as mentioned in previous review. Suggest removing and replacing with:
>>5.1 Pairwise identifiers
>>Pairwise identifiers specified in [OpenID Connect section 8] allow an OpenID Provider to represent a single user with a different subject identifier for every RP the user connects to. This technique can help mitigate correlation of a user between
>> multiple RPs by preventing the RPs from using the subject identifier (the “sub” claim in the ID token) to track a user between different sites and applications. Use of pairwise identifiers does not prevent RPs from correlating data based on other identifying
>> attributes such as names, email addresses, document numbers, or other attributes. However, since not all transactions require access to these attributes, but a subject identifier is always required, a pairwise identifier will aid in protecting the privacy
>> of end users as they navigate the system.
>>On Dec 12, 2017, at 7:08 AM, Mike Varley via Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net> wrote:
>>I am in an all-day meeting but I am hoping to join the call.
>>The OpenID Connect profile was updated on the weekend; I don't expect people to review for the call but I can go through the changes.
>>Draft iGov Profile.
>>On 2017-12-11, 1:22 PM, "Openid-specs-igov on behalf of John Bradley via Openid-specs-igov" <openid-specs-igov-bounces at lists.openid.net on behalf of
>>openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net> wrote:
>>Yes, I am planning on being on the call.
>>On Dec 11, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Grassi, Paul A. (Fed) via Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I need to miss tomorrow due to an FAA meeting. John/Adam, will you be on?
>>On 11/28/17, 12:18 PM, "Grassi, Paul A. (Fed)" <paul.grassi at nist.gov> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Per the meeting today, please review the documents by next Tuesday, offering any remaining comments on the distro. We are working towards initiating a new vote by our next meeting in 2 weeks.
>> Thanks!
>> Paul, Adam, John
>> On 10/16/17, 9:51 AM, "Openid-specs-igov on behalf of Mike Varley via Openid-specs-igov" <openid-specs-igov-bounces at lists.openid.net on behalf of
>>openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net> wrote:
>> I have pushed in the change to the OAuth2 spec - it incorporates the comments from the list, but there are still details that need fixing (protocol samples for example).
>> Since there is still active discussion about the spec I felt it best to get the most recent published so we can discuss off that version.
>> Here is a rendered version link:
>> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fxml2rfc.tools.ietf.org%2Fcgi-bin%2Fxml2rfc.cgi%3FSubmit%3DSubmit%26format%3Dascii%26mode%3Dhtml%26type%3Dascii%26url%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fbitbucket.org%2Fopenid%2Figov%2Fraw%2Fmaster%2Fopenid-igov-oauth2.xml&data=02%7C01%7Cpaul.grassi%40nist.gov%7Ce99cf6f0e04544da752c08d5149cf71e%7C2ab5d82fd8fa4797a93e054655c61dec%7C1%7C0%7C636437586762462724&sdata=igCWIXlryrnMurhMku%2FqA9cCotOsnVlt1GWXjI%2B0fEs%3D&reserved=0
>> Thanks,
>> MV
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