[Openid-specs-igov] iGov Profile - suggestions for User Identifiers and Claim History

Justin Richer jricher at mit.edu
Sat Aug 27 22:23:19 UTC 2016

One issue is that we don’t say how historical information is represented. We need to extend the data model appropriately for this.

 — Justin

> On Aug 27, 2016, at 10:01 AM, Adam Cooper via Openid-specs-igov <openid-specs-igov at lists.openid.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> In followup to this week's call I had a couple of actions for suggestions to add to the profile based on UK and EU government backed identity schemes. 
> User Identifiers
> In the profile we currently have the following sub vales defined as part of the ID Token:
> sub
> The identifier of the user. SHOULD be a pairwize annonymous identifier, and be unique per client to prevent linkability and traceability between clients.
> Based on the eIDAS interoperability specifications (which covers 28 EU member states including for now the UK), I would suggest that we provide the additional guidance for providers when creating "sub" values:
> As a baseline requirement the "sub" identifier value should not include elements that directly identify the Principal i.e. the user. This follows the requirement for a persistent name identifier in other international identity standards such that persistent identifiers MUST be constructed using pseudo-random values that have no discernible correspondence with the subject's actual identifier (for example, username).
> Hashing of "sub" identifier values is permitted although this is not mandated by this profile. 
> The "sub" identifier value MUST NOT contain any whitespace. It is recommended that the "sub" identifier value is at least 32 characters in length. 
> Optionally we may also wish to include some guidance about the stability of uniqueness identifiers:
> The Uniqueness Identifier represented by the "sub" (subject) claim value shall remain unchanged for the lifetime of the identity account (as created by the underlying identity scheme). A Uniqueness Identifier shall never be reused, e.g. a new Uniqueness Identifier shall not match a Uniqueness Identifier that has been deleted. 
> Any service that consumes assertions of identity must assume that the Uniqueness Identifier presented for a particular person (natural or legal) may change over time e.g. where the user’s digital identity is replaced or repaired. This should be handled by a consuming service using the same matching process as used when an identity is first encountered utilising the set of identity attributes used to identify the Principal (i.e. user) within the service. 
> Claim History
> Where available previous name, address and date of birth claim values may be provided by the UserInfo Endpoint. These additional historic claim values, where available, should be provided to increase the possibility of a successful match to a government "account" where the user has changed personal details recently or visits the digital service being accessed infrequently. 
> Cheers,
> A
> -- 
> Adam Cooper
> Identity Assurance Programme
> Government Digital Service
> 125 Kingsway, London, WC2B 6NH
> Tel: 07973 123 038
> official: adam.cooper at digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk <mailto:adam.cooper at digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk>
> official sensitive: adam.cooper at govdigital.gsi.gov.uk <mailto:adam.cooper at govdigital.gsi.gov.uk>
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