[Openid-specs-igov] iGov Call Minutes 1-Mar-16
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Tue Mar 1 15:47:02 UTC 2016
iGov Call Minutes 1-Mar-16
Adam Cooper
Paul Grassi
John Bradley
Sarah Squire
Mike Varley
Chris Chapman
Justin Richer
Bjorn Hjelm
Tony Nadalin
Mike Jones
The chairs Adam, Paul, and John opened the meeting
Justin Richer reported that the HEART specs are now Implementer's Drafts
John Bradley said that that means the IPR contributions for those specs are locked in
Therefore, we're free to use parts of them if we choose
Mike Jones expressed the view that it would be useful to drive feature selection from use cases
As we work on specifications, it would also be useful to write rationale for the selected features in the specs
Mike stated that not all use cases are likely to use all the features specified in the profile
For instance, while the profile might include the ability to encrypt claims from the UserInfo Endpoint,
not all use cases will use or need that feature
Therefore, while servers implementing the profile will provide the features, clients will be free to choose the set they use
Justin stated that that was also the intent of the HEART specifications
Use cases are going to be contributed to the mailing list
Paul Grassi had already sent some a few months ago
Paul Grassi agreed to coordinate going through the use cases
Mike Jones asked who else we should ask for use cases from
Adam Cooper will talk to his contacts in the EU asking for their use cases
Adam said that that's a pretty active group
The BFENX project is one possible contributor
Tony said that we should try to pull in John Knight from New Zealand
John will follow up with the New Zealanders
The new Extended Authentication Profile (EAP) working group is doing related work
Tony reported that a goal there is being able to use FIDO authentication with Connect
John said that using IETF Token Binding with Connect is also a goal
Tony agreed, saying that the EAP specs would define the format for public keys used, etc.
Mike said he had asked for a mailing list for EAP to be created and would create the openid.net Web pages this week
Mike asked if we could change the call time to 8am Pacific, which would be 4pm in the UK and 5pm in Europe
We agreed to do that
We will talk again in two weeks on March 15th
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