[Openid-specs-fastfed] FastFed WG Agenda - 2021-11-10 (tomorrow)

Tim Cappalli Tim.Cappalli at microsoft.com
Tue Nov 9 17:58:16 UTC 2021

Hey all,

Our next regular call is tomorrow at 11am ET.


Proposed Agenda

  *   Close on Ryan Sleevi's security recommendations
  *   2022 Goals
  *   Status of the OpenID Connect profile<https://bitbucket.org/openid/fastfed/src/master/xml_spec/fastfed-oidc-1_0.xml-NOT-READY-FOR-PUBLICATION>
  *   New work items:
     *   IdP-initiated FastFed
     *   OIDC + JWT Bearer for contract negotiation
     *   SCIM Authentication
  *   Updates on implementations and interop


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