[Openid-specs-fastfed] Updates to the OpenID.net Fastfed Page

Mike Jones Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Tue Jun 9 21:26:14 UTC 2020

Thanks for doing this.  Could you also include a link to the FastFed presentation at last month's virtual workshop?  You can find a link to it at https://openid.net/workshops/oidf-virtual-workshop-may-21-2020/.

                                                       -- Mike

From: Openid-specs-fastfed <openid-specs-fastfed-bounces at lists.openid.net> On Behalf Of Pamela Dingle via Openid-specs-fastfed
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 2:10 PM
To: openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net
Subject: [Openid-specs-fastfed] Updates to the OpenID.net Fastfed Page

Hi all,

Darin and I made some changes to our WG page on http://openid.net.  Here is the quick summary:

  *   We referenced last year's identiverse article and our scenarios repository for people who wanted to understand what we do
  *   We added links to the proposed implementer's draft versions
  *   We fixed the meeting dates to correctly describe the time and frequency of our meetings
We did not include a meeting link, and I wasn't sure how to describe the best way to GET the meeting link - I think most of us just ask for invites.   If there is a more inclusive or preferred way to do this, let me know.

If you have any additional suggestions on how we can make that page more inviting or more educational, please let me know -- for example we could include a link to Sailpoint's code repository?  I can make the edits fairly quickly now.



OpenID Foundation website<http://openid.net/>
The OpenID Foundation membership has approved the following specification as an OpenID Implementer's Draft: OpenID Connect Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA) Core 1.0 An Implementer's Draft is a stable version of a specification providing intellectual property protections to implementers of the specification.

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