[Openid-specs-fastfed] Last week for FastFed edits

Matt Domsch matt.domsch at sailpoint.com
Tue Feb 25 22:47:58 UTC 2020

As SailPoint has two different SCIM server implementations (one for our IdentityIQ product, and one we provide to partners in the form of a Java SDK so they can add a SCIM server to their product), we’ve gone through the SCIM Interop Requirements v2 document, and made comments for each.

I’ve uploaded to the shared folder:
SCIM Interop Requirements vs IdentityIQ.txt (plain text comments)
SCIM Interop Requirements V2 vs SailPoint SCIM SDK.docx (Word comments)


Matt Domsch
VP, Lead Corporate Architect
matt.domsch at sailpoint.com<mailto:matt.domsch at sailpoint.com>
mobile: 512-981-6486

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