[Openid-specs-fastfed] WebFinger discovery using subdomains
Karl McGuinness
kmcguinness at okta.com
Mon Nov 18 23:35:23 UTC 2019
Hello FastFed WG,
The current draft spec defines an extension to Webfinger using subdomains
The subdomain location is determined by prefixing the email domain
with ""webfinger._well_known"". For example, if the user email is
""babs at example.com<mailto:babs at example.com>"", the resulting Webfinger endpoint is
Application Providers performing WebFinger discovery MUST first
attempt to read from the subdomain endpoint. If the response is not
an HTTP 200, the Application Provider MUST subsequently attempt
reading from the traditional WebFinger path at the root domain. A
non-normative example is illustrated in Section
I remember discussing this at IIW last year and wasn’t sure if we settled on this approach. I remember some folks saying that this approach wouldn't fly in IETF land. Alternative approaches such as DNS SRV or TXT records were also discussed. Folks liked the simplicity of using DNS host records so that devs could just plop it into a connection string and the magic of the URL would do its thing.
We have an internal use case for discovery of an openid issuer based on email suffix where customers don’t want to host a webfinger endpoint. Customers *might* be able to delegate the entire webfinger endpoint to our SaaS using a subdomain but it might not be something we are authoritative for for all webfinger queries.
We were looking at https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-sanz-openid-dns-discovery-01 as a possible solution to serialize webfinger results in a TXT record. This removes the need for administrators to maintain (scale, availability, etc) an endpoint for webfinger for relatively static results such as issuer which can be cached. I could see us extending this to support a fedfed tag as well. The dev friction of using TXT records is slowly being ameliorated as DNS over HTTP becomes mainstream (see https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/doh/json). I’m making assumption that the admin friction of creating TXT records is similar to host/subdomain records which may not be true for all enterprises.
Is it worth rehashing this topic or has it already reached consensus in the WG?
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