[Openid-specs-fastfed] Meeting Notes from October 23, 2019

Erik Gustavson erikgustavson at google.com
Mon Oct 28 23:22:23 UTC 2019

*PSA: We're planning a Q4 meetup in Seattle. The proposed dates are Nov 13
(1 day before the CAEP meetup at MSFT), Nov 18-20, and Dec 9-13. Exact
location TBD.*

*Please enter date preferences at https://rallly.co/BJpRUlS5B
<https://rallly.co/BJpRUlS5B> before our Nov 6th call.*


Erik Gustavson, Google

Matt Domsch, Sailpoint

Adam Hampton, Sailpoint

Brian Rose, Sailpoint

Gokul Baskaran, Target

Wesley Dunnington, Ping

Darin McAdams, Amazon


   (from last meeting)

      SCIM directionality

         Can we clear up what
         "urn:ietf:params:fastfed:1.0:provisioning:SCIM:FullLifeCycle" means in
         terms of directionality?

         Erik: Should we just require directionality (client vs server)
         returned in 4.1.4 (“capabilities”)?

         Erik: let’s discuss in two weeks with more of the group


         Adam, Matt & Brian think existing spec will work

   Gokul: -- app provider enables federation to identity provider

      Which OAuth flow are we using?

      Darin: not using main list in OAuth spec but instead from RFC-7523

   New Additions

      Latest draft at

      Added 3.3.3 with contact information based on Erik’s concerns from
      IIW WG

         Erik to review offline

         Darin: naming problem -- “provider identity” vs “identity provider”

   Resilience discussion -- what happens if various things fail? What’s the
   customer user experience look like?

      Darin will take a pass at recommendations

   Brian: multiple compatibility

      If there are more than 1 match, is there a priority order?

      Darin: see section 6.3

   Erik & Gokul: Is there enough information in the spec to build up a
   trusted list

      Darin: yes, see “provider_domain” references

   Next in person meeting?

      Options: Nov 13, Nov 18-22, Dec 9-13


Erik Gustavson

erikgustavson at google.com

Engineering Manager - Cloud Identity

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