[Openid-specs-fastfed] Oct 9, 2019 WG meeting notes

Erik Gustavson erikgustavson at google.com
Thu Oct 10 01:33:31 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

Here's the notes from today's call.



Erik Gustavson, Google

Matt Domsch, Sailpoint

Adam Hampton, Sailpoint

Gokul Baskaran, Target


   Sailpoint has continued work on the demo, some questions about

      Where does key information come to validate the response from the IdP?

      In Section -- bullet #2, #3 logically come before #1

         Should make this numbered to make impl easier?

   Review of the doc that Brian sent a few weeks ago

      Matt: Governance provider flow -- comments?

      Erik: Would this work if we sub Governance for any other future
      service? This is somewhat FastFed update flow (i.e. FastFed provider has
      new capabilities)

      Matt: So is FastFed idempotent thhen?

      Erik: perhaps only if there’s nothing new at the IdP? We should try
      doing this flow in the simple case

      Matt: Directionality wasn’t really resolved

      Erik: discussed at IIW - any other cases besides HRM use case?

      Matt: ADP was asked to push into the IdP. Primary model is still IdP
      acts as client to SP’s server. Spec is still too vague here. (4.1.4)

         Can we clear up what
         "urn:ietf:params:fastfed:1.0:provisioning:SCIM:FullLifeCycle" means in
         terms of directionality?

         Erik: Should we just require directionality (client vs server)
         returned in 4.1.4 (“capabilities”)?

         Erik: let’s discuss in two weeks with more of the group

      Gokul: Do we want to be opinionated about users and groups in

   Risk analysis or guidance during any self-service flows

      If IdP automates acceptance of the FastFed handshake, what guidance
      on best practices should we have in the standard? I.e don’t
depend on there
      being a human who is reviewing the federation/provisioning request

      Erik: Think this is up to IdP impls

      Gokul: What about high value or high assurance apps like a Salesforce?

      Erik: I think this is about identifying SPs so IdP knows how to
      handle them. During handshake do we provide enough information
to know how
      to handle different flows after handshake?

      Gokul: Could we have self-service of handshake in the current model
      if there are different levels of application assurance?

Next Meeting

October 23, 2019


   Hangout: https://meet.google.com/wht-tipi-uoa

   Phone: +1 832-509-0551‬ PIN: ‪164 241‬#


Erik Gustavson

erikgustavson at google.com

Engineering Manager - Cloud Identity

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