[Openid-specs-fastfed] March 22 2019 meeting minutes

Dick Hardt dick.hardt at gmail.com
Thu May 2 00:13:35 UTC 2019

Reminding everyone that we will be having our meeting tomorrow (Thursday)
at 1PM. We will have one of the glassed-off rooms at IIW.

On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 1:18 PM Dick Hardt <dick.hardt at gmail.com> wrote:

> NOTE: next meeting will be in person 1PM PT May 2 in Mountain View (IIW or
> Google to host).
> (apologies for getting this out late, was going to send reminders and saw
> that I had not sent the minutes - take this as an action item reminder!)
> Attendees:
> Dick, Darin, Sarah, Erik, Scott, Roman, Pam
> We reviewed the action items from the last meeting and now have the
> following action items outstanding:
> Darin:
> - Email proposal on image standardization
> - summarize learnings so far for review at meeting during IIW
> - Minimum SCIM API requirements (w/ Erik)
> Erik:
> - SCIM schema proposal
> - Minimum SCIM API requirements (w/ Darin)
> Pam:
> - write up thoughts on how IdP and SP learn about each other.
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