[Openid-specs-fastfed] Attending CIS?

Pamela Dingle pdingle at pingidentity.com
Thu Jun 8 16:25:47 UTC 2017

I'm there and can likely help get a room if we can agree on a time.

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 10:04 PM, Emily Xu via Openid-specs-fastfed <
openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net> wrote:

> Hi Darin,
> I will be there.
> Thanks,
> Emily
> *From: *Openid-specs-fastfed <openid-specs-fastfed-bounces@
> lists.openid.net> on behalf of "McAdams, Darin via Openid-specs-fastfed" <
> openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net>
> *Reply-To: *"McAdams, Darin" <darinm at amazon.com>
> *Date: *Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 6:57 PM
> *To: *Openid-specs Fastfed <openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net>
> *Subject: *[Openid-specs-fastfed] Attending CIS?
> Hi all,
> I’ll be at upcoming Cloud Identity Summit.  If anyone else is attending
> and wants to discuss FastFed open issues, let me know. I can schedule a
> side-session for us.
> -Darin
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> Openid-specs-fastfed mailing list
> Openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net
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Pam Dingle
Principal Technical Architect
pdingle at pingidentity.com
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