[Openid-specs-fastfed] Small number of IdPs?

Hardt, Dick dick at amazon.com
Wed Jun 7 20:17:16 UTC 2017

I think there is a small set of implementations that represent most enterprises looking to federate to apps, and that the IdP software is in the business of federation, where federation is a feature of the app and not the focus. Hence for adoption, pushing complexity to the IdP will likely increase adoption.


On 6/7/17, 1:13 PM, someone claiming to be "Openid-specs-fastfed on behalf of openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net" <openid-specs-fastfed-bounces at lists.openid.net on behalf of openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net> wrote:

    Not quite. There may be many small idps but they usually depend upon open source and / or commercial software that is professionally written. 
    I suspect many will be suspicious of home cooked idps and not likely to accept automated configs without testing. 
    > On Jun 7, 2017, at 12:33 PM, McAdams, Darin via Openid-specs-fastfed <openid-specs-fastfed at lists.openid.net> wrote:
    > A better clarification might be "a smaller number of IdP vendors, relative to the number of service providers"
    > Sent from my mobile
    > On Jun 7, 2017, at 12:22 PM, Mike Schwartz <mike at gluu.org> wrote:
    >>> On the other hand, there are a small number of IdPs. They tend to be
    >>> identity experts, and many are motivated to solve this problem
    >>> (presumed by membership in this working group).
    >> I don't think this is true. There are thousands of organizations that operate their own IdP.
    >> Does anyone else agree with this statement?
    >> - Mike
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