[Openid-specs-fastfed] FastFed meeting minutes : May 31

Hardt, Dick dick at amazon.com
Thu Jun 1 01:15:22 UTC 2017

Attendance: Emily, Michael, Morteza, Nat, Dick

Where will work happen? We will use Bitbucket to track issues, continue having discussions on mail list, and hammer out issues in bi-weekly calls. We will continue with 5PM Wed call every 2 weeks. Next call is June 14.

We had a fair amount of discussion on using OTTO to define of FastFed documents. Michael walked us through OTTO. There was agreement we should carefully consider if we wanted to use OTTO for FastFed.

Next steps.
AI: Michael Schwartz to write a high level pros and cons of using OTTO

AI: Darin to use Bitbucket for specs and issue tracking

Let me know if I missed anything.


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