[Openid-specs-fastfed] Draft FastFed Meeting Notes (2016-08-02)
Nat Sakimura
sakimura at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 16:35:42 UTC 2016
Dear FastFeders:
Attached please find the draft FastFed Meeting Notes (2016-08-02).
It is also posted at
https://bitbucket.org/openid/fastfed/wiki/Meeting_Notes_2016-08-02 .
Please send corrections (a pull request?) if there is any issues.
FastFed Meeting Note (2016-08-02)
Date & Time: 2016-08-02 15:00 UTC - 15:40 UTC
Location: GoToMeeting https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/877375525
Attendees: John, Nat, Chuck, Dick, Morteza
Pam , Phil, Aknkur, Shashank
1. Selection of the Interim Secretary
2. Adoption of the charter
3. Selection of the Chairs
4. Selection of the Secretaries
5. Selection of the Editors
6. Initial Action Items
7. Meeting Schedules
Meeting was called at 15:05 by the OIDF Chair.
1. Selection of the Interim Secretary
Nat volunteered to take note for this session.
2. Adoption of the charter
Dick Explained the concept behind the proposed charter.
Phill stated his concern about OAuth not being stated
in the purpose, and briefly explained his potential
use case that may not use any of the stated protocols
but uses OAuth for user/administrator not-in-presence use cases.
Dick pointed out that we need to have clear
use case for user not in present access cases.
John questioned if the explicit inclusion
of OAuth is necessary as the current charter is just
stating the protocols and OAuth as a security mechanism
is implied.
Phill stated that perhaps we could change the charter
at the later date.
Nat pointed out that expanding the charter is can be
difficult due to IPR agreement issues, and
it is better to include it if it really is needed.
Dick proposed to add "OAuth, " in front of
"OpenID Connect, SAML, and SCIM" in the "2) Purpose".
John seconded.
Change was accepted unanimously.
Nat asked for any more proposed change.
There was no more proposal.
The motion to accept the charter as amended
is carried unanimously.
3. Selection of the Chairs
Nat asked for any volunteers and nomination for the chair.
John nominated Dick as the chair.
Dick accepted the nomination.
Dick nominated Nat as a co-chair.
Nat accepted the nomination.
Pam volunteered as another co-chair to help run the meetings smoothly.
The WG agreed unanimously to elect Dick as the chair,
and Nat and Pam as co-chairs.
The chairmanship of this meeting was transfered from
Nat to Dick.
4. Selection of the Secretaries
Dick asked Nat if permanent secretaries for the WG is needed.
Nat pointed out that it is not necessary but it is desirable
to have one for the sake of consistency of the minutes and notes.
Dick asked for volunteers and nominations for permanent secretaries.
Ankur and Shashank volunteered.
The WG agreed unanimously to elect Ankur and Shashank as
the WG secretaries.
5. Selection of the Editors
For this agenda item, Nat took the chair and
asked any volunteers for the Editor of the forthcoming
Dick volunteered.
Ankur and Phil also volunteered.
In the discussion, Dick stated that he would rather
be a sole editor of the initial document to drive it (faster).
Ankur and Phil agreed to step down from being
co-editors for the initial phase.
The WG agreed unanimously to elect Dick as the editor
of the initial spec.
Phil mentioned a concern that Oracle will be raising
in the next board meeting that Chair being an editor as well,
which has not been an issue at OIDF.
Nat pointed out that unlike in some standardization organizations,
OIDF uses version controlled repository at Bitbucket
with linked issue tracker so that
only the tracked issue of which resolution was agreed in the WG
is to be applied in the spec draft. Thus, a chair or co-chair
being an editor should not be a problem.
The chairmanship was returned to Dick.
6. Initial Action Items
Dick asked Phil to prepare a document describing
his use case (OAuth mobile flow, etc.) so that the WG
can understand his use-case.
Phil agreed.
At the same time, Dick will provide the WG with
the use-cases that were behind the initial proposed charter.
7. Meeting Schedule
Dick proposed to have the meeting every two weeks
as there are not enough work items to work on in weekly basis.
The WG agreed.
The date was set as the same time as this meeting,
i.e., Tuesday 15:00 UTC, every two weeks from now.
Meeting was adjourned at 15:40 UTC.
Nat Sakimura
Chairman of the Board, OpenID Foundation
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