[Openid-specs-fapi] Smart Payment Association: EMV+SEPA Instant+Open Banking

Anders Rundgren anders.rundgren.net at gmail.com
Tue May 19 16:00:43 UTC 2020


The flowchart on page #13 is particularly interesting because it shows a "PISP" running as a Gateway service which is an already fully established concept both technically and business-wise.

The other day I finally added real-time account-balances to the Swedbank/Sandbox+Saturn prototype which (of course) used the Account Information methods.

What do quite different systems like EMV/SEPA and Saturn have in common you may wonder? Well, they could both be implemented on top of existing Open Banking APIs when used in the [currently unavailable] "direct" mode.  That is, this is not a solution in itself, it is rather an enabler for new APIs.

I have a question for you who provide Open Banking APIs and Sandboxes: do you see any major technical issues implementing such support and is my claim that this should affect less than 5% of the code a reasonable estimate?



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