[Openid-specs-fapi] Way forward with PR 187 PR 187 Created a sensible privacy considerations clause for dealing with issue #90

Nat Sakimura nat at nat.consulting
Wed Aug 12 15:33:38 UTC 2020

Dear FAPIers:

I am writing this as a co-chair of the group.

Regarding the PR 187 (https://bitbucket.org/openid/fapi/pull-requests/187),
I propose the following  multi-step approach:

   1. to examine the structure and discuss on issue #90
   2. if it looks good, then accept the PR;
   3. start creating issues to deal with text within each sub-clauses;
   4. discuss the text on the issues;
   5. create PRs for those issues;

NOTE: I have put a few "shall" in there to draw your attention.
However, they should be dealt with in step 3 onwards.

Nat Sakimura
NAT.Consulting LLC
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