[Openid-specs-authzen] Notes from today's call

David Brossard david.brossard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 20:08:54 UTC 2024

Dear all,

Notes are linked in https://github.com/openid/authzen/wiki/Meetings, stored
in https://hackmd.io/@oidf-wg-authzen/wg-meeting-20241112 and also pasted

We have homework:

   - Help me add vendors/frameworks/OS we want to reach out to to play the
   part of the PEP
   - Read up on "search" - the original draft (thanks Alex), the partial
   evaluation proposal (thanks Vladi) and notes from a brainstorm session
   (Alex and David)


# Meeting Notes 2024-11-12

## Attendees
  - @omri
  - @alexbabeanu
  - @vladi
  - @dphhyland
  - @xmlgrrl
  - @davidbrossard

## Agenda
  - Gail - OIDF 2025 planning
  - Voting update on AuthZEN Implementers draft
  - Events
  - Plan for incorporating feedback from review period
  - 1.1 and beyond

## Notes
  - Gail took us through the process for 2025 planning / funding
  - We need to do a better job at publishing the agendas and meeting notes
in the official mailing list
  - Todo: Discuss our goals for 2025 - should we aim for a Final Spec in
2025? If so, we'll need a proper conformance suite and request resources
from Joseph Heenan
  - Create a pitch deck for engaging with "prospects", and then build a
prioritized outreach pipeline

### Discovery & Routing

- Alex B., Vladi, Roland, and David all agree routing is out of scope for
the spec
    - Implementers are free to choose their path
    - Consumers/RP should refer to the well-known file to understand where
services are exposed.
- Discovery is useful to know what features a PDP supports (e.g. binary
request/response, boxcarring, search)
- Discovery can define which endpoints are exposed and where.
- **Bottom line**: we need to discover (pun intended) the use cases for
routing & discovery

### Search API

- Vladi produced a [draft on partial evaluation](
https://hackmd.io/@oidf-wg-authzen/HkLiZVdb1l). All to read it to discuss
next time
- Existing [search draft](https://hackmd.io/@oidf-wg-authzen/authzAPI)
- [Search brainstorm session](https://hackmd.io/@oidf-wg-authzen/BydEeGJqT)
from December 2023

### Outreach

- Check out the [list here](
https://hackmd.io/@oidf-wg-authzen/target-integrations) and add your own
vendor/framework we need to reach out to.
- David also contacted Gartner (API side) to present AuthZEN and ask for a
list of relevant partners
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