[OpenID board] January 10, 2018 Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Thu Jan 17 22:42:52 UTC 2019
January 10, 2018 Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
George Fletcher
John Bradley
Nat Sakimura
Adam Dawes
Mike Leszcz, OpenID Foundation Staff
Tom Smedinghoff, Locke Lord LLP
1. OpenID Certification Program Roadmap
We walked through the detailed 2019 Certification Program Roadmap deck that Don prepared. The deck was a result of extensive consultations with the certification participants and OBIE. It detailed proposals for operating and expanding both the existing OpenID Connect certification test suite and taking over operation of the FAPI test suite. While some details continue to be worked out as we go, we appear to be on track to begin offering FAPI certifications in April.
We plan to price the FAPI Certifications such that they will more than cover our costs (whereas we are presently losing money on the existing certification program). The current thinking is that for FAPI certifications, we would charge non-members $2500 per profile and members $500 per profile. Don will also investigate whether it makes sense to make some adjustments to the OpenID Connect certification pricing and make a proposal.
OBIE plans to guarantee that their members will perform FAPI certifications in 2019 - providing the OIDF a minimum guaranteed FAPI revenue stream to get started with. Don will secure a contract for these OIBE-facilitated certifications soon.
We are adding certification profiles for OP-Initiated Login, Session Management, Front-Channel Logout, Back-Channel Logout, and Refresh Token Behaviors to the Python certification code base during 2019. Much of this work is already done.
We have added several additional certification contractors to the team, including one to back-stop Hans and one to back-stop Roland. Some of the team will also be assisting Joseph Heenan with the FAPI and CIBA certification work.
Roland Hedberg submitted a proposal to represent us at three conferences this year. Don will negotiate with Roland about which conferences and what levels of funding make sense. The EC definitely wants Roland to come to EIC, where the entire certification team will be assembled.
Mike and Adam objected to the introduction of new "OpenID self-certified" branding in the deck. Pending any further discussions, we should stay with the existing "OpenID Certified" branding.
Despite our long-term goal to operate a single certification program, we do not have funds or resources allocated in 2019 to replacing any Python tests with equivalent Java tests or vice versa. We also don't have any resources allocated to certification of specifications by working groups other than OpenID Connect and FAPI. (The FAPI CIBA profile does use the iGov CIBA spec.) All of this is subject to change with the addition of resources and directed funding.
There was a list of about two dozen potentially relevant events that we could participate in. Don will schedule a separate call for the purpose of sorting out who will cover what events.
2. Board Elections
The individual and corporate board elections have started. Nominations are now open.
3. Libraries Program
Some directed funding is expected to accelerate our RP library development. We have libraries in Python and Java now.
4. Budget Update
We are in good budget shape. We have been carefully husbanding financial resources over the past years. That enables us to pursue new opportunities such certification expansion without requiring new directed funding. Outside the certification expansion, there are no new substantial changes to our budget.
We have done most of our GDPR work. We have not yet completed our GDPR self-certification.
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