[OpenID board] Board update July - October 2014

Adam Dawes adawes at google.com
Wed Oct 29 16:56:25 UTC 2014

Here are recent updates from the Marketing Committee:

   - OIDF Workshop in October
   About 40 participants. Lively discussion across all WGs.
   - OIDC Self certification status
   Google, Microsoft, Ping, Symantec taking leadership to get to
   self-certification. Goal is to offer self-certification by RSA in February.
   Will want to start focusing marketing efforts around this at RSA.
   - New HEART WG
   The charter for the health care workgroup has been approved and will be
   organizing chairs in near future and starting work.
   - OIDC errata and migration specs under vote for approval.
   - OIDC: Microsoft and Amazon announce support for OIDC
   - Upcoming event schedule
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