[OpenID board] Fwd: Call For Nominations - OpenID Foundation Corporate Board Member Representative Election

Don Thibeau don at oidf.org
Fri Jan 17 08:46:52 UTC 2014


Begin forwarded message:

From: Chuck Mortimore <cmortimore at salesforce.com>
Date: January 17, 2014 at 12:48:35 AM EST
To: John Ehrig <jehrig at inventures.com>
Cc: "don at oidf.org" <don at oidf.org>
Subject: Re: Call For Nominations - OpenID Foundation Corporate Board Member Representative Election

Hey guys - spoke with my manager and got ok'd to allocate time to the foundation ( if the voters will have me :-) )

What are the key opportunities you see for the OpenID Foundation in 2014?
- This should be a critical year for OpenID.   Connect will finalize as a specification, and we'll see most of the large providers move to Connect.  However, the core specification is applicable well beyond these initial consumer oriented deployments.   I'd like to see the foundation's work being adopted by enterprises, and further developer for their use-cases around mobility and devices.

How will you demonstrate your commitment to the work of the foundation in terms of resources, focus and leadership?
- Leverage Salesforce.com's leadership position in enterprise cloud computing to get OpenID Technologies (connect and account choosers) visible to our customers and deployed in a broad set of scenarios.

What would you like to see accomplished over the next year, and how do you personally plan to make these things happen?
- I'd like to see the Connect working group develop profiles for the next generation of use-cases, including token federation, identity for native mobile applications, and delegation to devices for Internet of Things.  We'll be able to offer practical feedback from customers we're engaging on these topics.

What resources will you and your company bring to help the foundation attain its goals?
- We'll be trying to lead by example.  Salesforce will be deploying these technologies to enable our own service, as well as providing them to our customers to enable their own use-cases.   Our broad reach and brand should help bridge OpenID into the enterprise.

What current or past experiences, skills, or interests will inform your contributions and views?
- 15 years of experience in the Identity industry, at influential organizations like Netscape, Sun, Sxip, and Salesforce
- Extensive practical experience in enterprise and cloud identity, as both a large scale SP and IDP
- Prior experience helping author, develop, and deploy standards like OAuth, OpenID Connect, and SCIM

> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 5:17 PM, John Ehrig <jehrig at inventures.com> wrote:
> Dear Chuck:
> The call for nominations for the OpenID Foundation Corporate Board Member Representative is now open and will close on Monday, January 20th.
> Voting and nominations will be conducted via e-mail. All nominations, election statements, and votes should be e-mailed to the OIDF Executive Director Don Thibeau <don at oidf.org> with copies to election manager John Ehrig jehrig at inventures.com and OIDF Secretary Mike Jones <Michael.Jones at microsoft.com>.  Any questions and all other election communications should also be set to this same set of people.
> The OpenID Foundation plays an important role in the evolution of Internet identity technology standards. Corporate members play an important part in the work of the Foundation and the elected Director will help determine the role OIDF will play in facilitating faster and broader adoption of open identity standards like OpenID Connect and Account Chooser.
> All corporate members of the OpenID Foundation are eligible to nominate themselves, second the nominations of others who self-nominate, and vote for candidates.  If you are receiving this e-mail, you are the representative of an OIDF corporate member in good standing and can participate in the election.
> Election Schedule
> ·         Nominations open:  Monday, January 6, 2014
> ·         Nominations close:  Monday, January 20, 2014
> ·         Election begins:  Wednesday, January 22, 2014
> ·         Election ends: Wednesday, February 5, 2014
> ·         Results announced by: Wednesday, February 12, 2014
> ·         New board terms start: Wednesday, February 26, 2014
> Board participation requires a substantial ongoing investment of time and energy.  It is a volunteer effort that should not be undertaken lightly.  Should you be elected, expect to be called upon to serve both on the board and on its committees where the work of the foundation is conducted.  You should have your company’s backing to attend three or more in-person board meetings a year, most of which are held in the Bay Area. If you and your company are committed to advancing open identity standards and are a person who works well with competitors to achieve mutually beneficial goals, we encourage your candidacy.  
> The OIDF’s Executive Committee suggests a few questions candidates may want to publically address in their candidate statements:
> What are the key opportunities you see for the OpenID Foundation in 2014?
> How will you demonstrate your commitment to the work of the foundation in terms of resources, focus and leadership?
> What would you like to see accomplished over the next year, and how do you personally plan to make these things happen?
> What resources will you and your company bring to help the foundation attain its goals?
> What current or past experiences, skills, or interests will inform your contributions and views?
> Please feel free to contact me with questions, comments and suggestions.
> Regards,
> Don Thibeau
> Executive Director
> The OpenID Foundation

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