[OpenID board] October 24, 2013 OpenID Board Meeting Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Tue Jan 14 01:52:50 UTC 2014
October 24, 2013 OpenID Board Meeting Minutes
Present in Person:
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Mike Jones
George Fletcher
Greg Keegstra
John Bradley
Scott Kern
Raj Mata
Henrik Biering
Present on the Phone:
Eric Sachs
Nat Sakimura
Scott Kern
Paul Agbabian
Dylan Casey
Tony Nadalin
John Ehrig, Global Inventures
Jack Greenberg, Google
Brian Berliner, Symantec
1. Yahoo board seat and representative
Yahoo is now represented by Dylan Casey on the board.
2. Board and EC Proxy Policy
Don reported that Oregon state law prohibits proxies. This applies both to determining quorum and voting. Designation of alternate directors is also prohibited. (Guests are allowed.)
3. Corporate Member Board Seat Election Schedule and Process
Don has prepared materials to communicate with the representatives of Corporate Members about the upcoming election of the Corporate Board Seat. We currently have 14 Corporate Members and expect to have a number more before the election in January.
4. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27/WG5 Liaison Statement Discussion
We have sent in our liaison statement. There will be a vote in SC27 by national bodies for 60 days, followed by another 60 day vote by JTC1. We therefore may have a liaison relationship established within approximately 5 months.
Nat informed us that documents received from ISO are confidential. Most organizations therefore establish a board committee for this purpose. Also, Nat informed us that statements made within the liaison agreement are considered official statements of the board, and therefore should be approved by the board.
Mike moved and John seconded that we form that committee. The resolution passed unanimously.
5. Vote to Approve the Proposed Trademark Policy
The proposed trademark policy has undergone legal review by numerous parties and no objections to it were raised.
John moved and Mike seconded to adopt the trademark policy as recommended by the Executive Committee. The resolution passed unanimously.
6. OpenID Connect Working Group Report
Mike reported on the publication of release candidate 1 of proposed final OpenID Connect specifications and subsequent document reviews, as well as on the working group meeting on Monday. People appear to be quite happy with the new merged OpenID Connect Core specification. About a half dozen full reviews of the Core spec have been received. The working group has requested that people also read and submit reviews for Discovery, Registration, and Multiple Response Types.
7. Account Chooser Working Group Report
A written report was sent to the board list. Jack reported on the highlights. Push bootstrapping has been demonstrated. A demo of the memory service is still being worked on. A new UI on accountchooser.biz will be pushed to accountchooser.com. Tim has written an RFC version of the Account Chooser the spec. User-facing text is being worked on.
8. Backplane Exchange Working Group Report
Janrain requested that the foundation consider the Backplane work to be on hold for the time being while they consult with participants on future directions. Don will be meeting with relevant players in the next month and will report back.
9. Native Applications Working Group Report
The working group met on Monday. The charter was approved. Contribution of an initial document was approved, pending submission of the remaining outstanding contribution agreements. A poll will be sent out to establish call times, etc.
10. Marketing Committee Report
A written report was sent. We expect an additional marketing push once OpenID Connect finishes. Our marketing has been contributing to membership recruitment and communicating the value of Account Chooser.
11. MyOpenID Transition Discussion
We have a plan in place to transition users using myopenid.com at openid.net to other providers. Henrik reported that people who received Janrain's letter were confused that OpenID was ending, rather than just that site. The Marketing committee should take up how to mitigate that confusion. We also should consider the messaging around Google transitioning from OpenID 2.0 to OpenID Connect and use that as an opportunity to communicate positive messages.
12. Recruiting Update
Don sent a detailed status report about the recruitment pipeline. We anticipate a number of new prospects to join in the coming months. Don asked board members to reinforce his messages about the value of foundation membership to prospects. Don reported that the buzz around OpenID Connect is substantial and that is significantly helping his recruitment efforts.
[Eric Sachs left the call at this point]
13. Planning Calendar
Lucy Lynch reported on Monday that more international engagement and more engagement with public policy and privacy experts will be beneficial to the foundation. Don agreed that we need to be proactive and opportunistic about our engagements to take advantage of other events.
We are already planning for an OpenID Foundation workshop the day before the European Identity and Cloud Conference in Munich in May, 2014. Microsoft has agreed to be a sponsor of that workshop.
Nat reported that OpenID Foundation Japan is holding OpenID events on nearly monthly basis, with attendance typically over 100 people.
Nat reported that on January 14-15, 2014 there will be another JICS - Japan Identity and Cloud Summit - this time focused on Japanese participation, rather than bringing in many non-Japanese speakers.
The next face-to-face board meeting will be during the week of the RSA Conference in San Francisco, on Wednesday, February 26th. (An OIX board meeting will be held then too.) There will be a joint lunch for both boards and an OIX-hosted reception in the evening.
The next board call will be on Thursday, January 9th.
14. Other Business
Don updated us on discussions between the foundation and GSMA officials including David Pollington on the GSMA's mobile identity initiative - one of their top three priorities for 2014. A demonstration project using the Identity Assurance Program (IDAP) of the UK government is planned in which the four UK mobile operators will be integrated using OpenID Connect. This project is called the Mobile Operator Network Exchange (xMNo).
Mike reported that, during the Native Applications working group, it was reported by Henrik that the online contribution agreement does not have a means of listing the working groups. John Bradley reported that he was unable to create one with multiple contributors. (He speculated that the problem may be browser dependent.) John Ehrig reported that he is receiving agreements listing working groups. Don and John Ehrig will investigate and report back, with possible assistance from Henrik and John Bradley.
Nat reported that there is an ITU-T work item in SG17 called x.ATAG (Attribution Aggregation) on models and processes for aggregating identity attributes from multiple identity providers. Nat reported that there was no mention of OpenID Connect in their initial meeting. He suggested that we liaise with them to make them aware of the Connect work in that area.
Don reported that we continue to financially run "skinny and safe". Recruitment efforts are expected to result in additional funds. The financial dashboard is available by request at any time from John Ehrig.
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