[OpenID board] January 18, 2012 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Wed Jan 25 19:30:00 UTC 2012
January 18, 2012 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Chris Messina
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Nat Sakimura
John Bradley
John Ehrig, Global Inventures
Nico Popp
1. Election Status
Nominations opened on January 9th and will close on January 23rd. We have four nominees at the moment. Don has been using every opportunity to promote the election, including yesterday's IIW satellite event in D.C. We expect more candidates to self-nominate before the close of nominations.
2. Dues & Financial Status
Don has received assurances that another sustaining member will come on board before the March 1st face-to-face board meeting during RSA. Ping Identity recently renewed their sustaining membership. Google is paying its dues well in advance of their due date. There may be another sustaining renewal as well. Facebook recently renewed their corporate membership. Corporate renewals are due from Salesforce and CA. Don continues working on some specific prospective sustaining members as well.
3. Prospective Events for 2012
We have a board meeting during RSA (which is Feb 27-Mar 2) on Thursday, March 1st.
We plan to hold a working group and interop meeting the morning of March 2nd during RSA. Tony Nadalin is looking into space at the nearby Microsoft office for this event.
John Bradley is working on an OpenID Connect developer's meeting Sunday March 25th in Paris alongside the IETF meeting.
Ping Identity is hosting a cloud meeting Wednesday March 28th in London. This conflicts with the IETF meeting, although it's possible that if there isn't a major IETF conflict that day that some participants could take the TGV via the Chunnel for the event.
There needs to be an OpenID Connect Tutorial at the EIC in Munich, which is April 17th to 20th.
IIW 14 is May 1-3, 2012 in Mountain View. We will hold a Connect working group meeting on Monday, April 30th the day before. Don will ask Yahoo! to host. On Thursday, May 3, there will be an OpenID board meeting at the end of IIW.
There is a Privacy, Identity, and Innovation meeting in Seattle, May 15th and 16th. Mike will investigate whether it makes sense to do a Connect and privacy event or tutorial there. (This conflicts with the ISO meeting in Stockholm.)
The Cloud Identity Summit is Jul 16-20 in Vail, Colorado. We could do a business-oriented event there. This would promote OpenID Connect. We could hold a seminar there. The EC want this to be at least a half day event (not just a short session like last year). There would likely also be Account Chooser content there.
The Gartner Catalyst Conference is August 20-23 in San Diego. A public interop event would be a logical thing to hold at Catalyst. Don should try to get them to give us a free room. Ian Glazer, Bob Blakley, and Jamie Lewis are likely advocates for this inside Gartner.
IIW 15 is Oct 23-25, 2012 in Mountain View. We should plan for an OpenID seminar or working group meeting on Monday, October 22nd and a board meeting on Thursday, October 25th.
We have a placeholder for an event in Japan in December similar to last year's event.
Don also plans to use OIX attribute exchange pilots to synergistically generate interest in OpenID Connect during this year.
We do not plan to use any of the "IIW Satellite" events.
We are moving away from the "summit" terminology for events this year to instead use the terms "workshop" or "seminar" to appropriately set expectations for each event. The workshops are for technical work. The seminars are business/marketing oriented. We may continue to use the "summit" term for events similar to last year's, such as the prospective summit in Japan.
Don will be reaching out to the sustaining members for directed funding and hosting of events. Don will not necessary be travelling to all events to conserve our budget.
4. OpenID Connect Update
Don asked about the schedule for moving the OpenID Connect standardization forward due to interest expressed by multiple parties in doing implementations. In part, we are waiting for OAuth 2.0 to be complete before going to final specs. The working group also believes that the Session Management spec needs to reach implementer's draft status before we can go to final.
People should now be building Connect implementations, doing interop, and producing feedback.
5. Potential Web Site Redesign
At the March 1st face-to-face meeting, the marketing committee plans to present a proposal to create a new openid.net web site. Directed funding is expected to accompany this proposal. The marketing committee is considering using Drupal, rather than WordPress. One criteria is that the new web site should be mobile-friendly. Some marketing committee participants are interested reusable video/idea graph/animated content for the web site. The committee is also interested in content that can be easily translated into other languages. Ideally, the web site itself could be used as a demo tool or presentation aid for people to give Connect presentations.
The executive committee believes that board-level discussion needs to happen before a decision to do this, as this is a major undertaking. The board will need to understand the goals, how we will achieve them, and the relationship to the web content that is already there.
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