[OpenID board] February 15, 2011 OpenID Board Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Wed Feb 22 21:40:33 UTC 2012
February 15, 2011 OpenID Board Call Minutes
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Mike Jones
Eric Sachs
Tony Nadalin
John Bradley
Pamela Dingle
Kick Willemse
Nat Sakimura
Allen Tom
Chris Messina
Nico Popp
Brian Kissel
Farhang Kassaei
Axel Nennker
John Ehrig, Global Inventures
1. Election Report
Greg Keegstra was elected and Axel Nennker was re-elected, with the results having been announced at http://openid.net/2012/02/14/openid-foundation-2012-community-board-member-election-results/.
2. Marketing Committee Status
The London workshop is on track: oidflondon2012march.eventbrite.com<http://oidflondon2012march.eventbrite.com>. At the EIC, there is currently one slot for OIDF and OIX to talk about their work. Timeslots are confirmed at the Cloud Identity Summit. The website update plans have been scaled back from the initial goals to be ready on a particular time table. They are talking with specific vendor. For more information, see the note "Marketing Committee Status" that Eric Sachs sent to the board list on 2/15/12.
3. OpenID Connect Status
The approval vote for the Implementer's Drafts is above quorum and is overwhelmingly positive. We expect to announce that the specs being voted on have been approved as Implementer's Drafts tomorrow.
Interop testing is under way at http://osis.idcommons.net/wiki/OC3:OpenID_Connect_Interop_3 with 7 registered participants and more joining frequently. For instance, eBay recently joined the interop. There will be an in-person Interop and Working Group meeting on Friday, March 2.
Some changes/additions are being considered based upon feedback from developers: enabling multiple issuers in a single name and a means of cryptographically tying the code/token values to the id_token. These will be discussed at the in-person WG meeting on March 2.
The primary thing standing in the way of completing the OpenID Connect specs is the state of the session management specification. We know that the current spec needs to be completely rewritten. One of the goals is to enable it to work seamlessly with Account Chooser. Google is prototyping a solution as input to the standards process. The working group believes that it will not be able to complete the other Connect specifications until it knows whether session management will require changes to the other specs and what those changes will be.
4. Upcoming Meeting of New Board
The new board will meet in person on March 1st. We'll go over priorities and budget. We'll also elect executive committee members.
5. NSTIC Update
Jeremy Grant and possibly Howard Schmidt will brief the OIDF and OIX boards on NSTIC status during a working lunch on March 1st. Some UK government representatives may be there as well. The process of establishing NSTIC pilots was official launched today. Neither the OIDF nor OIX will be seeking government funds.
6. Budget Update
We have not received payment from any new prospective sustaining members or a renewal payment from Yahoo! A new prospective member has verbally told Don that they will join this month before the March 1 board meeting. As an austerity measure, we plan to cancel the $5000 retainer with K&L Gates and move to hourly payment for any legal work (which will be closely managed). Other austerity measures may need to be announced at the March 1 board meeting.
Eric Sachs is testing the value proposition of requiring membership to participate at the London event to drive new corporate memberships. He believes that we are not clearly communicating the additional value proposition of board membership over corporate membership.
[Nat Sakimura joined the call at this point]
7. Event Update
Events currently being planned are:
* March 1 board meeting of the new board.
* March 2 OpenID Connect Interop/Working Group Meeting.
* OpenID Connect developers' meeting Sunday March 25th in Paris alongside the IETF meeting.
* London OpenID Workshop on March 28th.
* There is a two-hour OIX/OIDF slot at the EIC. The EIC is April 17th to 20th.
* OpenID Connect working group meeting on Monday, April 30th before IIW.
* Board meeting on May 3rd at the end of IIW.
* Workshop during Cloud Identity Summit, which is Jul 16-20 in Vail, Colorado.
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