[OpenID board] April 5, 2012 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes

Mike Jones Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Thu Apr 26 19:26:17 UTC 2012

April 5, 2012 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes

Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Kick Willemse
Mike Jones
Eric Sachs
Nat Sakimura
John Bradley

John Ehrig, Global Inventures


1.       Connect WG Status Report
Mike reported on the OpenID Connect working group.  Things are on track, other than session management.  As of last week's Paris IETF meeting, the IETF individual submissions that we currently depend upon are now on track to become working group items.  No breaking changes were made to specs that we depend upon.  A meeting will be held during IIW to work on the session management spec.

2.       Account Chooser WG Status Report
Eric reported on the Account Chooser working group.  A chooser WG meeting was held on March 22nd.  All participants had signed an IPR agreement.  They discussed core features versus nice-to-haves.  They also discussed operational issues, including that it is not the intention of the foundation to host an Internet-scale service.

3.       Board Member Additions
As of today, we have Verizon's money but no membership agreement and we have a purchase agreement from Yahoo! but not yet the money or a formal designation of Yahoo!'s board representative.  As such, the board is not yet in a position to move forward with deciding how to add additional community board members.

The bylaws leave it up to the board how to fill the interim community seats created when new sustaining members join.  Don stated that holding an election typically costs about $5000 all up, including billable hours to Refresh Media.  Eric believes that, given our financial straits, that it may not be prudent to spend $5000 to hold a special election.  However, he wouldn't oppose it if directed funding was available to fund the election.

The issue of how to fill any additional community board seats will need to be decided by the board at the in-person meeting at IIW.  Nat pointed out that, per the spirit of the bylaws and considering external perceptions, not filling any created community board seats is not an option.

4.       Marketing Committee Update
Proceedings from the London workshop have been posted<https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=107WEHEwcph_qttyKWXY9cq3AdcMxuf-2KxVtKHjfdb8>, including videos.  Some web site development is happening and will be posted on accountchooser.net.  Any launch is at least 4 weeks out.

Eric is hesitant to heavily promote the (still confidential) award that we will be receiving, based on the number of questions that the press would likely ask that we don't yet have developed answers to.  We should, however, promote it on social media and our web site.

There will be a discussion on whether the Marketing committee's web site work can benefit OIDF Japan and whether some joint development activities could be mutually beneficial.

5.       Financial Update
We will look at finances in greater detail at our in-person meeting.  As of today, we have Verizon's money but no membership agreement and we have a purchase agreement from Yahoo! but not yet the money or a formal designation of Yahoo!'s board representative.   PayPal is late on their renewal but Farhang is positive about their renewal.  The same is true of Symantec and Nico.  Don will be discussing Facebook's corporate renewal next month.  CA's renewal at the corporate level is in process, as is Salesforce's.  Lexis-Nexis and Oracle have expressed interest in corporate level memberships.

6.       Insurance Renewal
Our Directors & Officers, Errors & Omissions, and General Liability policies are all up for renewal.  The General Liability policy premium is $1376.00. The Errors & Omissions policy premium is $6025.00.  The Directors & Officers policy is $6670.00. The General Liability policy premium is $1376.00. The Errors & Omissions policy premium is $6025.00. These are budgeted items.  The executive committee approved renewing these policies.  Don will investigate whether quarterly payments are possible.

7.       Trademark Transfer from Snorri
Snorri Giorgetti is willing to transfer the trademarks to the OIDF.  The current agreement (that is two years old) is about cross-licensing.  It needs to be changed to a trademark transfer agreement.  Snorri asked us to cover his registration costs.  These fees may be in the tens of thousands of dollars.  Snorri will be forwarding receipts to Nat.  Don proposed that we do the revisions using Scott Blackmer with the firm we used for this two years ago, so as to save expenses.  More details will be presented to the board next month.  The executive committee did not authorize any expenditures for the trademark at this time because we do not know the actual costs.

8.       Meeting Scheduling
Don proposed a face-to-face board meeting either late afternoon on Thursday, July 19th or the morning of Friday, July 20th after the Cloud Identity Summit.

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