[OpenID board] March 1, 2012 OpenID Board Meeting Minutes
Nat Sakimura
sakimura at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 17:39:59 UTC 2012
Dear John,
Per the decision made in 1. IPR Issues below, could you kindly post the IPR
statements at the openid.net? I suppose
http://openid.net/intellectual-property/ would be the appropriate place to
put the link.
Also, I was searching through the board list archive but I did not find a
pointer to the materials that were used at the board meeting including the
ones that had the actual IPR statements. They should be in our archive.
Please either point me with a link or post them to the list.
Nat Sakimura
Chairman, OpenID Foundation
On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 5:07 AM, Mike Jones <Michael.Jones at microsoft.com>wrote:
> *March 1, 2012 OpenID Board Meeting Minutes*
> ** **
> *Present in Person:*
> Don Thibeau, Executive Director****
> Mike Jones****
> Tony Nadalin****
> John Bradley****
> Nat Sakimura****
> Pamela Dingle****
> Eric Sachs****
> Greg Keegstra****
> Farhang Kassaei****
> ** **
> *Present on the Phone:*
> Kick Willemse****
> Axel Nennker****
> ** **
> *Absent:*
> Nico Popp****
> ** **
> *Visitors:*
> John Ehrig, Global Inventures****
> Scott David, K&L Gates****
> Raj Mata, Yahoo!****
> Andrew Nash, Google ****
> ** **
> ***1. ****IPR Issues*
> ** **
> Following up upon IPR cleanup proposals from past meetings, following
> review by member companies, the board unanimously approved a statement for
> inclusion in specifications whereby the OIDF explicitly grants a license to
> implementers. This had been asked for by some companies that are
> considering membership in the foundation.****
> ** **
> The board reaffirmed that under the IPR policy, the patent promise applies
> only to the working groups listed in the IPR contribution agreements and
> not to all work of the foundation. (This is not a change.)****
> ** **
> ***2. ****Election Report*
> ** **
> Mike Jones reported on the election results. The results as posted at
> http://openid.net/2012/02/14/openid-foundation-2012-community-board-member-election-results/were unanimously accepted by the board. The existing members welcomed Greg
> Keegstra to the board.****
> ** **
> ***3. ****Election of Officers*
> ** **
> Kick Willemse was unanimously elected as community liaison. Nat Sakimura
> was unanimously reelected as chairman. Mike Jones was unanimously reelected
> as secretary. Eric Sachs was unanimously elected as vice-chairman. John
> Bradley was unanimously reelected as treasurer.****
> ** **
> ***4. ****OpenID Connect Working Group Report*
> ** **
> Mike Jones presented the status of the OpenID Connect working group. The
> 6 implementer’s drafts were approved. Substantial interop work is under
> way. A new Session Management spec is needed; we won’t be able to complete
> the other specs until this happens. There are schedule risks associated
> with the unfinished IETF specs we’re dependent upon. The deck presented
> has been sent to the public board list.****
> ** **
> *[ Farhang Kassaei joined the meeting at this point ]*
> ** **
> ***5. ****Account Chooser Working Group Report*
> ** **
> Eric Sachs presented the status of the Account Chooser working group.
> They plan to have their first face-to-face working group meeting on March 22
> nd. Eric called out the issues about running a geographically
> distributed SSL service. Eric’s report has been sent to the public board
> list.****
> ** **
> ***6. ****Backplane Exchange Report*
> ** **
> Greg Keegstra gave a report about the Backplane Exchange work. Several
> people stated that this needs to become IPR clean before it can become
> input to an OpenID working group. Greg will work on a charter and working
> group proposal. Greg’s presentation has been sent to the public board list.
> ****
> ** **
> ***7. ****Marketing Committee Report*
> ** **
> Eric Sachs reported on the Marketing Committee’s work. One area they’ve
> been looking at is how to more clearly demonstrate the value of membership
> to current and potential members. At the OIDF London Workshop, the
> committee is running the experiment of requiring membership for
> corporations to present. This has been succeeding.****
> ** **
> The marketing committee is beginning to do “guerrilla marketing” using
> social media tools such as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Google Plus.***
> *
> ** **
> The web site redesign is under way and being deployed at
> acccountchooser.com. Mike asked about preserving the existing openid.netcontent such as blog posts and other WordPress-based content. This is
> pertinent, since the redesign is being done using Drupal. Pam and Eric
> agreed that preserving the relevant legacy content is a critical goal.****
> ** **
> Eric’s report has been sent to the public board list.****
> ** **
> ***8. ****Financial Report*
> ** **
> There will be a financial shortfall until we get another sustaining member
> and some additional corporate members. We are implementing cost-control
> measures for short-term relief. K&L Gates is moving from a retainer to a
> project basis. We have reduced our expenditures with Global Inventures.
> Don is reducing his salary for the time being. The foundation continues to
> owe Don for some of his bonuses for last year. At present, Don’s travel is
> largely being paid for by directed funding.****
> ** **
> *[ Kick left the meeting at this point ]*
> *[ Axel called into the meeting at this point ]*
> ** **
> ***9. ****NSTIC Discussions*
> ** **
> We discussed whether the foundation wants to write letters of support for
> any NSTIC grant applications. Don had proposed that if we support any
> proposals, they satisfy these criteria: Open Technologies, Standing, and
> Competent. Eric believes that the OIDF should be hands-off with NSTIC and
> that endorsing applications has the effect of endorsing NSTIC. He believes
> that NSTIC is creating uncertainty in the marketplace and slowing adoption
> of our technologies. We agreed that we will make no endorsements in the
> first round. The executive committee will revisit this during the second
> round and report back to the board with a recommendation.****
> ** **
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