[OpenID board] Events at the Burton Group Catalyst Conference

Nat Sakimura sakimura at gmail.com
Mon Jul 26 23:56:57 UTC 2010

Hi Don,

Could you kindly confirm the dates?

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 4:57 AM, Don Thibeau (OIDF ED) <don at oidf.org> wrote:
> There will be a number of events at the Burton Group Catalyst Conference in
> San Diego next week that may have an interest in Open Identity.
> Special Interest Group: Cloud Business Models, 12:30 to 2:30 PM PDT. Bob
> Blakely, the Burton Group VP who is running the SIG meeting, plans to
> discuss contract terms and conditions, and contract liability for
> organizations issuing or consuming identity credentials.  SIG sessions are
> normally reserved for persons who have registered for the Catalyst
> conference. If space permits, those who are in the area, and not full
> conference participants will also be able to attend.
> Please register by sending an email to Christopher Stallings
> (cstallings at burtongroup.com) and refer to the Special Interest Group: Cloud
> Business Models within your email. Please RSVP by Thursday, July 22. Seating
> is limited.
> OIX US ICAM Trust Framework working group, 5:30 to 6:30 PM PDT.  This group
> is focused on getting OIX certified to certify higher LOA IdPs.  Meet in the
> Odysea lounge.

Is this 27th?

> OIDF Informal Board Discussion Wednesday, July 28 at the Catalyst conference
> Vela Restaurant at Hilton for an OIDF discussion.

What is the time?

> Burton Group Open Identity for Business Interop, 6:00 to 9:00 PM PDT, in
> Cobalt 500. http://osis.idcommons.net/wiki/File:Interop_invite.png Thursday,
> July 29
> Open Identity for Business: A Roundtable Discussion, 9:45 to 10:20 AM PDT,
> Sapphire CD. This is a panel discussion about the interop.

Is this 30th?

> Open Identity table tent at lunch, 12:30 to 2:00 PM, PDT.  There will be an
> OpenID table tent at the Burton Group lunch after the interop and panel
> discussion.

Is this 30th as well?

> Don Thibeau
> don at OIDF.org
> Executive Director
> The OpenID Foundation
> http://openid.net
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)

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