[OpenID board] board Digest, Vol 43, Issue 11
Don Thibeau (OIDF ED)
don at oidf.org
Wed Jul 21 21:37:43 UTC 2010
Re Dick's point below please be advised events using the phrase Open
Identity were named by Burton Group... Burton Group thinks it is a
different and broader term.
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Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 5:32 PM
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Subject: board Digest, Vol 43, Issue 11
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Events at the Burton Group Catalyst Conference (Dick Hardt)
2. Facebook is renewing OpenID Foundation membership (Luke Shepard)
3. Re: Facebook is renewing OpenID Foundation membership (Eric Sachs)
Message: 1
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 13:10:07 -0700
From: Dick Hardt <dick.hardt at gmail.com>
To: openid-board at lists.openid.net
Subject: Re: [OpenID board] Events at the Burton Group Catalyst
Message-ID: <02D001ED-7643-4956-AD58-BD8916276DF7 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Is Open Identity and OpenID the same thing now? ... I don't think they are,
and I think it is critical to the OpenID brand to use the term OpenID and
not conflate it with Open Identity.
-- Dick
On 2010-07-21, at 12:57 PM, Don Thibeau (OIDF ED) wrote:
> There will be a number of events at the Burton Group Catalyst Conference
in San Diego next week that may have an interest in Open Identity.
> Special Interest Group: Cloud Business Models, 12:30 to 2:30 PM PDT. Bob
Blakely, the Burton Group VP who is running the SIG meeting, plans to
discuss contract terms and conditions, and contract liability for
organizations issuing or consuming identity credentials. SIG sessions are
normally reserved for persons who have registered for the Catalyst
conference. If space permits, those who are in the area, and not full
conference participants will also be able to attend.
> Please register by sending an email to Christopher Stallings
(cstallings at burtongroup.com) and refer to the Special Interest Group: Cloud
Business Models within your email. Please RSVP by Thursday, July 22. Seating
is limited.
> OIX US ICAM Trust Framework working group, 5:30 to 6:30 PM PDT. This
group is focused on getting OIX certified to certify higher LOA IdPs. Meet
in the Odysea lounge.
> OIDF Informal Board Discussion Wednesday, July 28 at the Catalyst
conference Vela Restaurant at Hilton for an OIDF discussion.
> Burton Group Open Identity for Business Interop, 6:00 to 9:00 PM PDT, in
Cobalt 500. http://osis.idcommons.net/wiki/File:Interop_invite.png Thursday,
July 29
> Open Identity for Business: A Roundtable Discussion, 9:45 to 10:20 AM PDT,
Sapphire CD. This is a panel discussion about the interop.
> Open Identity table tent at lunch, 12:30 to 2:00 PM, PDT. There will be
an OpenID table tent at the Burton Group lunch after the interop and panel
> Don Thibeau
> don at OIDF.org
> Executive Director
> The OpenID Foundation
> http://openid.net
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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 21:04:43 +0000
From: Luke Shepard <lshepard at facebook.com>
To: "board at openid.net" <board at openid.net>
Cc: David Recordon <davidrecordon at facebook.com>
Subject: [OpenID board] Facebook is renewing OpenID Foundation
Message-ID: <3FFA681B-5C5D-417A-A5BC-FC1375C02015 at facebook.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
As the quarterly Board meeting is this afternoon, David and I wanted to
provide an update as to where Facebook is thinking both around its
membership in the Foundation and goals for OpenID. We've decided to renew
our sustaining membership.
While the recent votes show that there are a number of organizational issues
still to work out, I still think that the Foundation is the best hope to
create a unified identity standard across industries. Our hope is that the
Foundation can also provide value to those technologists wanting to move
OpenID forward. As part of that, David and I want to provide more resources
- both time and money - to make OpenID a world-class identity foundation for
the decades to come.
For the next six months, our plan is to foster the development of an
identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0. This is the direction that the industry
is moving in, and we think that if the OpenID Foundation doesn't play a
leading role in its development, then it's not clear what the purpose of the
organization is. Obviously this isn't the technical solution for every piece
of the larger internet identity problem, but we see the Foundation as a
place to lead progress across a number of industries.
Specifically, I think we need the following to happen in order to see
progress and plan to make substantial contributions toward doing so:
- Start active work on the OpenID Connect spec by August 16. This gives
ample time for those who wish to contribute to submit their IPR agreements.
- By end of year, we need several interoperable implementations in the wild.
- Build out excellent documentation, open source libraries, and other
supporting materials for the Foundation's core technologies.
Facebook plans to do the following to help:
- Host a face to face Board meeting and tech summit at our campus in Q4
(likely November).
- Provide funding to the OpenID Connect working group in addition to any
funding it may receive from the Foundation.
- Lead and contribute to technical discussions about the details of the
identity layer (many of these have already begun).
- Ship an implementation of OpenID on top of OAuth.
Google has done a great job the past six months continuing to move OpenID
2.0 forward and working with the community to understand the missing pieces.
It's our hope that we can do the same with OpenID Connect and that many of
the company's represented within the Foundation will help to make it happen.
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 14:32:10 -0700
From: Eric Sachs <esachs at google.com>
To: openid-board at lists.openid.net
Cc: "board at openid.net" <board at openid.net>, David Recordon
<davidrecordon at facebook.com>
Subject: Re: [OpenID board] Facebook is renewing OpenID Foundation
<AANLkTinE0Qb_JWmFSq6GrWertJp+2WPQ1qcTfgGwz0ff at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>>- Start active work on the OpenID Connect spec by August 16. This gives
ample time for those who wish to contribute to submit their IPR agreements.
I'll use that date to beat our lawyers over the head on getting Google's IPR
agreement signed by that date. Unfortunately it is still sitting in a long
queue :-(
On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:04 PM, Luke Shepard <lshepard at facebook.com> wrote:
> As the quarterly Board meeting is this afternoon, David and I wanted to
> provide an update as to where Facebook is thinking both around its
> membership in the Foundation and goals for OpenID. We've decided to renew
> our sustaining membership.
> While the recent votes show that there are a number of organizational
> issues still to work out, I still think that the Foundation is the best
> to create a unified identity standard across industries. Our hope is that
> the Foundation can also provide value to those technologists wanting to
> OpenID forward. As part of that, David and I want to provide more
> - both time and money - to make OpenID a world-class identity foundation
> the decades to come.
> For the next six months, our plan is to foster the development of an
> identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0. This is the direction that the
> is moving in, and we think that if the OpenID Foundation doesn't play a
> leading role in its development, then it's not clear what the purpose of
> organization is. Obviously this isn't the technical solution for every
> of the larger internet identity problem, but we see the Foundation as a
> place to lead progress across a number of industries.
> Specifically, I think we need the following to happen in order to see
> progress and plan to make substantial contributions toward doing so:
> - Start active work on the OpenID Connect spec by August 16. This gives
> ample time for those who wish to contribute to submit their IPR
> - By end of year, we need several interoperable implementations in the
> wild.
> - Build out excellent documentation, open source libraries, and other
> supporting materials for the Foundation's core technologies.
> Facebook plans to do the following to help:
> - Host a face to face Board meeting and tech summit at our campus in Q4
> (likely November).
> - Provide funding to the OpenID Connect working group in addition to any
> funding it may receive from the Foundation.
> - Lead and contribute to technical discussions about the details of the
> identity layer (many of these have already begun).
> - Ship an implementation of OpenID on top of OAuth.
> Google has done a great job the past six months continuing to move OpenID
> 2.0 forward and working with the community to understand the missing
> It's our hope that we can do the same with OpenID Connect and that many of
> the company's represented within the Foundation will help to make it
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> board mailing list
> board at lists.openid.net
> http://lists.openid.net/mailman/listinfo/openid-board
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