[OpenID board] [board-private] OpenID Committees
Chris Messina
chris.messina at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 21:26:18 UTC 2010
+1, at least to start.
Not all committees will need their own lists, but those who have some
amount of interested parties looking for a place to coordinate should
be able to create a public committee-specific list.
Sent from my iPhone 2G
On Jan 28, 2010, at 1:15 PM, John Bradley <jbradley at mac.com> wrote:
> A mailing list to conduct the committee work is going to be more
> efficient and public than CCing the members.
> The board and general lists are too broad.
> John B.
> On 2010-01-28, at 6:10 PM, Brian Kissel wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Don’t know about the mailing lists.
>> John Ehrig, what is the official OIDF mechanism for committees to
>> create and manage mailing lists for themselves and any
>> subcommittees that they may need?
>> Yes, we need to get people on to each of those respective mailing
>> lists, but at a minimum, members can add their names to each of the
>> committees they are interested in at https://openid.pbworks.com/Committees
>> . Not everyone who wants to be on a mailing list will also want to
>> be on the official committee, and that’s OK, but we should start w
>> ith getting the committees well defined so that they can elect a c
>> hair and vice-chair and begin defining their goals for the year an
>> d developing the appropriate tools to accomplish those goals (mail
>> ing lists, wikis, whatever).
>> Cheers,
>> Brian
>> ___________
>> Brian Kissel
>> CEO - JanRain, Inc.
>> bkissel at janrain.com
>> Mobile: 503.342.2668 | Fax: 503.296.5502
>> 519 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204
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>> RPX. Learn more at www.rpxnow.com
>> From: openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [mailto:openid-board-
>> bounces at lists.openid.net] On Behalf Of John Bradley
>> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:32 AM
>> To: openid-board at lists.openid.net
>> Cc: OpenID Board (public)
>> Subject: Re: [OpenID board] [board-private] OpenID Committees
>> Thanks,
>> Do we have mailing lists for these Committees?
>> Is that part of what David is working on setting up with Google
>> Groups?
>> I suspect the first order of business would be to get people on the
>> appropriate lists.
>> I work in DC as well just from a really remote location:)
>> I will check to be certain it is not a conflict for me. Your
>> government has so many rules. Otherwise I am happy to co-chair the
>> committee with Mike.
>> John B.
>> On 2010-01-28, at 1:31 PM, Brian Kissel wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Good question, I’d ask that anyone who is a member of any of the c
>> ommittees who would like to serve as a Chair or Vice Chair, would
>> start the process of organizing their committee by emailing all th
>> e committee members and facilitate the process of having that comm
>> ittee elect its chair and vice chair. I have started that process
>> with the members of the Adoption Committee and have talked with D
>> aniel, Rob, and Marc who have agreed to serve in the listed positi
>> ons if the rest of the members approve. If there are other member
>> s of the committee who would like to serve as chair or vice chair,
>> we’ll have a similar discussion to what we did for the Executive
>> Committee, and if necessary have a vote.
>> So anyone who is interested in being a chair or vice chair of any
>> committee, now is your chance to share that desire with the rest of
>> the members of the committee and get your committee organized.
>> Once you’ve selected a chair and vice chair,
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