[OpenID board] OIDF Privacy Policy

Mike Jones Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Wed Jan 27 17:47:09 UTC 2010

It would be fine to post digital images with the signatures and address information redacted - possibly by overlaying them with "Information on file with OIDF" or something of that sort.  (Sort of how elevators often contain messages about the elevator license being on file at such-and-such place.)

                                                            -- Mike

From: openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [mailto:openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net] On Behalf Of David Recordon
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:40 AM
To: openid-board at lists.openid.net
Subject: Re: [OpenID board] OIDF Privacy Policy

Hey John,
I'm happy to have us reconsider the policy.

The idea is to make it incredibly transparent around who has signed what (when it comes to IP).  So far you're the first person in three years to say anything about it.

Considering that there can be different versions of documents and some documents with options, scanning them as PDFs seemed like the easiest and most accurate method.  99% of the time it's also companies signing the agreements and using corporate addresses versus personal.

If Global Inventures is able to manage these agreements and keep up to date online records, I'm less worried about each agreement being available online.

That said, they should be made available upon request.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 7:07 AM, John Bradley <jbradley at mac.com<mailto:jbradley at mac.com>> wrote:
In the process of setting up the AX 1.1 WG a number of things have come to light.

One is some confusion around who needs to submit what sort of agreement, Personal or Company.
Perhaps our new Secretary can have a look at that.

The more important one is that the OIDF has a practice of positing scanned documents publicly including peoples signature.

A number of us don't think publicly posting our address info with a scan of our signature is such a good idea.

I think everyone agrees that who has signed contribution agreements and what WG they apply to should be public.

However there are ways to do that are less subject to identity theft and other issues.

I would like to recommend that one of our committees (perhaps the legal one) or a sub committee.

Review and publish the OIDF privacy policy and specifically if practices like posting members PII publicly are appropriate.

The board can then consider those recommendations.

In the interim I would like GlobalInventures to redact my signature from any and all of the IPR agreements they publish.

I don't think we can be credible respecting peoples right to privacy on the internet if we don't do a credible job with our own members.

There may be other privacy issues I am not currently aware of as well.

I think being proactive about privacy can only increase participation from the community in general.

John B.
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