[OpenID board] Adoption: are we ready? (Was: Re: board Digest, Vol 37, Issue 10)
Jonathan Coffman
jonathan.coffman at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 00:29:30 UTC 2010
Just to pile on to this thread a little more...
I'm of the opinion that the sooner we can assemble the Adoption
committee the better -- and as soon as possible after that, decide if
there's a need to break off the Marketing group as well.
* One thing that I would love to try to facilitate is to assemble some
amazing use-cases - maybe they're already published out there
somewhere? - and start deconstructing this problem from the product
perspective. Figure out where we want to go with productizing OpenID
(and associated technologies, be it WRAP, etc) then take it down
another level...
* From there, I wonder if we could figure out a way to articulate the
specific features, functionalities, and technologies it takes to have
a "robust" open identity solution (maybe to include a trust
framework?). Again, some diagrams, use cases, user stories, etc could
tell a really compelling story here.
* From there, I think we'd have a lot of the raw materials needed to
start experimenting with how to package this stuff up.
* Through the packaging process Marketing will get kick-started
Those are just some of the tasks I can imagine the Adoption committee
taking on this year, but the first step is to get it approved and get
people involved! :-)
- Jonathan Coffman
On Jan 20, 2010, at 7:14 PM, Chris Messina wrote:
> +1. The follow-up then is: what needs to happen to get the largest
> proponents to start doing that kind of dogfooding?
> I imagine there's probably efforts in the works to make this happen,
> but are there any obvious barriers that need to be taken care of in
> order to make real progress on that issue?
> Chris
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Allen Tom <atom at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Speaking personally – it seems to me that leading by example means
> that the biggest proponents of OpenID should dogfood it. It’s
> hypocritical to be selling all the benefits of accepting OpenID
> without actually consuming OpenID.
> Allen
> On 1/15/10 8:09 PM, "Chris Messina" <chris.messina at gmail.com> wrote:
> We must do MUCH more heavy lifting -- bringing the horses to the
> trough so-to-speak -- in order to get them to drink. We must develop
> the language, then, that allows people to express their desires, if
> not just become aware of them by realizing what's possible (i.e. No
> more passwords! How? Support OpenID!). We haven't developed, let
> alone promoted, these memes widely enough yet, so that'd be one area
> that I think marketing could tackle.
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> Chris Messina
> Open Web Advocate, Google
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