[OpenID board] Officers on the wiki?
Chris Messina
chris.messina at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 12:55:10 UTC 2010
Perhaps a better reframing: how do we go about introducing churn into
the EC without forbiding last year's EC members from stepping up?
It would seem the EC and committees are the vehicles for moving OpenID
forward; how do we better promote participation? Maybe a blog post?
Maybe more proactive (non-mailing-list) outreach?
Sent from my iPhone 2G
On Jan 19, 2010, at 23:33, Brian Kissel <bkissel at janrain.com> wrote:
> Hey David,
> No insinuation going on here. Chris had asked for any board members
> who were interested in serving to volunteer on the 2010 Planning
> Wiki. I also sent out a reminder to the board asking people to
> provide input on what committees they wanted to serve on in what
> roles. I completely agree that the board should collectively agree
> who should serve on the EC and suggested that the respective
> committees should decide who the chairs for each committee would
> be. Would love to see other folks nominate themselves or suggest
> others they would like to see serve in any roles on any of the
> committees.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> ___________
> Brian Kissel
> CEO - JanRain, Inc.
> bkissel at janrain.com
> Mobile: 503.342.2668 | Fax: 503.296.5502
> 519 SW 3rd Ave. Suite 600 Portland, OR 97204
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> From: openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [mailto:openid-board-
> bounces at lists.openid.net] On Behalf Of David Recordon
> Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:26 PM
> To: board at openid.net; Deepak Kamlani (dkamlani at inventures.com)
> Subject: [OpenID board] Officers on the wiki?
> Hey all,
> I like the enthusiasm going into the call Wednesday, but isn't it
> premature to insinuate that the officers will all remain the same as
> 2009? Isn't some churn in leadership responsible for a non-profit
> organization?
> --David
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: PBworks Changebot <do-not-reply at pbworks.com>
> Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:23 PM
> Subject: OpenID Wiki was edited
> To: recordond at gmail.com
> Recent changes on OpenID Wiki
> · Page 2010 Planning
> Page 2010 Planning
> edited by Brian Kissel (bkissel at janrain.com)
> Chair
> Preside at all meetings on the Board of Directors and shall cast a
> tie-breaking vote in theelection of any officers other than Chairman
> of the Board.
> Board member: member:Brian Kissel is willing to serve one additional
> year in this position.
> Vice-Chair
> In absence of a Chairman, the Vice Chair shall carry out all duties
> of the Chairman
> Secretary
> Record-keeping including (a) official recording of the minutes of
> all proceedings of the Board of Directors, including the committees
> thereof, and members’ meeting and actions; (b) provision for notice
> of all meetings of the Board of Directors and members; (c) authentic
> ation of the records of the corporation; (d) maintaining current and
> accurate membership lists.
> this role. role. Mike Jones is also willing to continue in this role
> until May (see his email to the board of 1/19/2010)
> Treasurer
> Overall responsibility for all corporate funds including: (a)
> keeping of full and accurate accounts of all financial records of
> the corporation; (b) deposit of all monies and other valuable
> effects in the name and to the credit of the corporation in such
> depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors; (c)
> disbursement of all funds when proper to do so; (d) making financial
> reports as to the financial condition of the corporation to the
> Board of Directors
> Edited at 12:23 AM on January 20, 2010
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