[OpenID board] OpenID Update: Orientation Briefing Feedback

Dick Hardt dick.hardt at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 00:11:48 UTC 2010

I would hope the role of the executive committee be focused on board level
execution issues -- specifically issues that are not covered by one of the
other committees. To be effective, the executive committee should be small.
I think the officers of the Foundation and the ED are the perfect size.

There are many  aspects to adoption, and we have a committee focused on
that. Per David's comments, I think we want to empower these committees to
reach their objectives. Putting an RP on the executive committee sends a
message that all the real work happens at the exec committee rather then
board or committee level.

-- Dick

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Allen Tom <atom at yahoo-inc.com> wrote:

>  Given that adoption depends on RPs actually adopting OpenID, I think it’s
> important that we visibly demonstrate to the community that RPs (or at least
> potential RPs) have a voice.
> Allen
> On 1/14/10 7:23 PM, "David Recordon" <recordond at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010 is the year where we must work on developing OpenID as a product
> beyond just a technology.  That said, I don't think that extending the
> Executive Committee with another appointed liaison role is the correct
> approach.
> This year we must also push work out from the Board into Committees.  This
> both broadens the pool of people who can directly become involved and forces
> us as an organization to increase the value for non-sustaining members.
> I believe that the Executive Committee should be chartered to either:
> 1) remain small (no more than five) and perform the execution work not done
> in the Committees themselves, or
> 2) be made up of the Officers (president, vice president, secretary,
> and treasurer) and the chair of each Committee to focus on tackling
> execution issues across the organization as a whole.
> I am supportive of being more formulaic to the organizations leadership
> structure.
> --David
> On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Brian Kissel <bkissel at janrain.com> wrote:
> Well, I guess I didn’t wait ;-)  As I said on the call yesterday, I think
> Daniel’s idea is a good one.  We added the technical and international
> liaison roles to ensure we had sufficient breadth of perspective at the
> executive committee working level, and I think it served us well in 2009.
> Given that we really want to continue to drive adoption and usage in 2010,
> having a representative on the EC that brings the “voice of the customer” is
> a good thing.  We have some new board members that bring that viewpoint and
> it would be great to make the most of this in the coming year.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> *___________
> Brian Kissel <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/10/254>
> *
> CEO - JanRain, Inc.
> bkissel at janrain.com
> Mobile: 503.342.2668 | Fax: 503.296.5502
> *From:* openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [
> mailto:openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net<openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net>]
> *On Behalf Of *Brian Kissel
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:06 PM
> *To:* openid-board at lists.openid.net
> *Subject:* Re: [OpenID board] OpenID Update: Orientation Briefing Feedback
> Thanks Don, I’ll wait a bit to see how others respond before putting in my
> +1
> Cheers,
> Brian
> *___________
> Brian Kissel <http://www.linkedin.com/pub/0/10/254>
> *
> CEO - JanRain, Inc.
> bkissel at janrain.com
> Mobile: 503.342.2668 | Fax: 503.296.5502
> *Increase registrations, engage users, and grow your brand with RPX.
> Learn more at **www.rpxnow.com <http://www.rpxnow.com/>
> *
> *From:* openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [
> mailto:openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net<openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net>]
> *On Behalf Of *Don Thibeau (OIDF ED)
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 14, 2010 5:58 PM
> *To:* openid-board at lists.openid.net
> *Cc:* 'Daniel Jacobson'
> *Subject:* [OpenID board] OpenID Update: Orientation Briefing Feedback
> OIDF Board Members
> Yesterday the new members of the OpenID Board of Directors received an
> orientation briefing on many of the plans and priorities we will discuss on
> our first meeting Jan 20th. While not an official meeting, the agenda
> previewed some of key issues the new board will consider as well as info for
> our budget development and committee process for 2010.  The relevant content
> from the orientation briefing will be updated and included as part of the
> background material for the teleconference on the 20th.
> For your information:
> One of the suggestions that came out of that discussion was a suggestion
> from Daniel Jacobson that the views of relying parties can be best
> represented by the addition of a liaison on the executive committee.  It was
> suggested that this new role be similar to that of the international and
> technical community liaison positions. These “non officer” positions are
> part of the executive committee by virtue of board convention established
> last year rather than OIDF by laws.
> Board Action Item:
> Please let me know if you are unable to make the teleconference on the 20th
> and, if desired, to whom you designate as your proxy.
> *Don Thibeau
> don at OIDF.org
> *Executive Director
> The OpenID Foundation
> http://openid.net
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