[OpenID board] December 16, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Tue Jan 19 01:24:54 UTC 2010
December 16, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Ozburn
Nat Sakimura
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Mike Jones
Brian Kissel
David Recordon
John Ehrig, Global Inventures
1. Planning for 2010
Don reported on planning for next year. Orientation materials are being prepared for the new board members. A user experience summit will be hosted by Sears, to held Feb 25th in Chicago 10am-4pm. Brian reports that there are currently 28 attendees confirmed. Video conference feeds will be used as well. We expect some additional sustaining members to join in January. Corresponding community members will be added as they join. Planning work is proceeding, taking the results of the board priorities survey into account. Don will be reaching out to each committee chair asking for their input into the planning, including what resources they're requesting. During 2009 we were successful in addressing the organizational "plumbing" issues then facing us. Therefore, in 2010, the organization should be able to focus more on substantive initiatives.
2. Board Calendar
The executive committee decided that the next board meeting should be in January, once the new board is seated. There is not yet a board calendar for 2010. The next scheduled board meeting slot following the current calendar would be Wednesday, January 13th at 4pm Pacific Time. The committee decided to hold the next full board meeting then. Holding the meeting then will give some time to get briefing materials to the new board members in advance. The first agenda item will be the election of officers and selection of the remainder of the executive committee members. Don and John Ehrig will prepare a proposed calendar of key events for the new year at that meeting.
3. IPR Process Change Approved
The IPR Process change passed its community vote, achieving the needed 30% quorum and majority affirmative ratio, with supermajority board concurrence. This change will take effect on January 1st - 21 days after the close of voting. Don sent the results of the election to the OpenID General list. He will also post an announcement about this to the OpenID blog.
The committee agreed that we may want to potentially reduce the quorum requirement to 20% as part of any potential future IPR Policy or Process changes.
4. PBS Collaboration
The Public Broadcasting System (PBS) is adopting OpenID and producing case studies. PBS will be funding research into OpenID adoption. The foundation will be matching funds with them for this work.
5. Press Planning
We discussed that there needs to be a more comprehensive plan and set of resources put in place to respond to media inquiries - the rate of which is increasing. This will be part of the 2010 planning process.
6. FCC Request and Response
We submitted a response to an FCC Request for Comments about proposed rulemaking around broadband. We described how OpenID could benefit citizens and broadband initiatives. This is an instance of more such requests for comments on various topics that we are receiving. Don pointed out that the foundation is explicitly not a source of expertise in privacy and we are therefore declining requests to comment on privacy issues. Don has accepted an invitation to give the American Bar Association (ABA) a briefing on OpenID.
7. Bounty Program
The foundation inherited a largely undocumented bounty program that existed before its formation. We have not been paying new claims that come up, on the advice of our past treasurer, because there is no written substantiation for these claims. The executive committee formally decided to close the bounty program. It also authorized Don to negotiate in good faith with claimants that have substantiated claims, but only until the end of February 2010.
8. Board Election
The board election is under way with 14 candidates for six seats. It will complete on December 23rd.
Brian will be publicizing the list of candidates and their election statements on the OpenID General list.
9. Joint Steering Committee
The committee will be making its recommendations to both boards late this year. Its final committee meeting will be on Monday, December 21st. The approach being suggested appears to be generally acceptable to joint steering committee members. The approach will permit separation between certification activities and other foundation activities, with participants being able to opt into the certification activities in cases where they fit with their business goals.
10. Preparing the Next Board
We closed with an informal discussion on how to prepare the next board. Among other things, Don and John will produce a concise set of statements about what it means to serve on a board, including what things are out of scope.
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