[OpenID board] Fw: OIDF Board Copy of Mirror Resolutions from ICF Board
Don Thibeau
don at oidf.org
Sat Jan 16 20:27:47 UTC 2010
Don Thibeau
-----Original Message-----
From: Drummond Reed <director at informationcard.net>
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 12:07:07
To: <don at oidf.org>
Subject: Re: OIDF Board Copy of Mirror Resolutions from ICF Board
No objection at all - I think open would be better.
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Don Thibeau <don at oidf.org> wrote:
> Any objection to putting this on our board open list versus board private
> Don Thibeau
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Drummond Reed <director at informationcard.net>
> *Date: *Fri, 15 Jan 2010 23:08:39 -0800
> *To: *Don Thibeau (OIDF ED)<don at oidf.org>; Brian Kissel<
> bkissel at janrain.com>
> *Cc: *<icf-board-private at googlegroups.com>; Scott David<
> scott.david at klgates.com>; Eric Sachs<esachs at google.com>
> *Subject: *OIDF Board Copy of Mirror Resolutions from ICF Board
> Don and Brian,
> As you know, the OpenID Foundation (OIDF) and the Information Card
> Foundation (ICF) have been collaborating since RSA in April 2009 on
> development of a certification program that would work for both of our
> respective technologies and communities. By September 2009, when we made our
> joint announcement of the Open Identity Solutions for Open Government
> initiative at Gov 2.0 in conjunction with the US GSA ICAM Subcommittee, our
> boards had determined that we should collaborate on creating a single
> program that would meet the requirements of the ICAM TFPAP (Trust Framework
> Provider Adoption Program). We also believed that taking an open market
> approach to this program could serve many other trust communities who need
> similar (but not identical) solutions.
> At the Internet Identity Workshop last November, our boards voted to create
> a Joint Steering Committee (JSC) to review the options and make a
> recommendation back to both boards before the holidays. On December 21 the
> JSC completed its work and voted unanimously to recommend that both boards
> pass a set of "mirror resolutions" calling for the creation of a new
> non-profit entity to serve in this trust framework provider role.
> These JSC resolutions are included below, together with a link to the
> public minutes of the ICF board meeting on January 8 at which they were
> approved. We thank you for participating in that meeting as our guests. As
> you know, the ICF board was not certain the JSC resolutions provided enough
> implementation guidance to be fully actionable, so they asked me to work
> with Don and Scott David of K&L Gates to create a second set of
> "implementation resolutions".
> These resolutions were approved unanimously in a special ICF board meeting
> today, which Don and Eric Sachs attended as our guests. Again I am including
> a copy below, together with a link to the public meeting minutes.
> I now convey both sets of mirror resolutions to you to ask for the OIDF
> board's approval at your meeting this coming Wednesday. On behalf of the ICF
> board, I thank you and your board for your collaboration with us in
> developing the Open Identity Framework model, and I look forward to
> implementing the Open Identity Exchange to realize the fruits of this
> collaboration and deliver an effective open market solution for open
> identity assurance.
> Regards,
> =Drummond
> ======================
> Drummond Reed
> Executive Director
> Information Card Foundation
> Approved by the ICF Board of Directors January 8 2010
> Minutes:
> https://wiki.informationcard.net/index.php/ICF_Board_Meeting_2010-01-08
> 1. That it is the sense of the joint committee that a response to the
> U.S. government's request for collaboration on certification as a means to
> facilitate adoption of open identity technologies by government relying
> parties is consistent with the foundations’ respective missions, purposes,
> and programs.
> 2. That leadership of the foundations and their respective board
> members with respect to the government’s development of technical and policy
> interoperability standards will have a positive impact on overall global
> market adoption of open identity technologies.
> 3. That the overall identity ecosystem will benefit from the
> availability of open identity technologies that support multiple
> certification models (e.g., self certification, third party certification,
> hybrid models, etc.), multiple trust framework provider choices, and
> opportunities for additional innovation in the development, organization,
> and operation of open identity technologies.
> 4. That it is the sense of the joint steering committee that a separate
> and independent entity should be organized and operated for the purposes of
> addressing the needs of the U.S. government, other public entities, and
> other trust communities regarding the adoption of open identity technologies
> through research and educational programs and initiatives and other types of
> enablement under an open standards model. [This language is intended to
> address the statutory requirements for exemption under section 501(c)(3).
> It may be that the entity would qualify under 501(c)(6), but that might not
> be consistent with other goals of the organization.]
> 5. That it is the sense of the joint steering committee that it would
> be consistent with the missions, purposes, and programs of the respective
> foundations, and also in their best interests, to provide a grant to assist
> in financing the initial organization and operation of this entity that will
> engage in activities that are consistent with and complementary to those of
> the foundations.
> 6. That this new entity should be called the Open Identity Exchange
> (OIX) to reflect that it represents an open market standards model for the
> exchange of self-certification or third-party certification
> metadata describing any participant in the open identity ecosystem.
> 7. That the OIX should be self-governing and self-sufficient, and that
> it should have an arms-length relationship with the foundations with regard
> to its legal structure, finances, and operations.
> 8. That the OIX should be organized and operated in a way that is
> robust enough to support existing open identity technologies, but also
> flexible enough to accommodate, cultivate, and incorporate new open identity
> technologies.
> 9. That, in the process of identifying the entities and individuals
> that can best help OIX to achieve its mission, purposes and programs,
> companies and individuals that currently work with OIDF and ICF should be
> provided an opportunity to opt-in to participate in the formation process.
> Approved by the ICF Board of Directors January 15 2010
> Minutes:
> https://wiki.informationcard.net/index.php/ICF_Board_Meeting_2010-01-15
> 1. That the Board acknowledges its prior receipt, consideration and
> approval of the resolutions from the Joint Steering Committee ("JSC") that
> was composed of representatives of the ICF and OIDF (the “JSC Resolution”);
> 2. That, as an additional mechanism for memorializing their further
> coordination, the OIDF and ICF Boards are passing identical sets of
> resolutions (identical other than with respect to conforming changes) (each
> a “Mirror Resolution”) of which this is one;
> 3. That the Board desires, through this Mirror Resolution, to
> supplement the recommendations of the JSC Resolution with additional
> suggestions and guidance to inform the organization and operation of the new
> entity (“Open Identity Exchange” or “OIX”) that will carry forward the
> program described in the JSC Resolutions;
> 4. That the Board recommends that the board of OIX adopt a structure
> and governance mechanisms that facilitate OIX establishing and maintaining
> an orderly open identity services market that is transparent, scalable, and
> based on open standards, while at the same time being as lightweight,
> modular, and cost-effective as possible;
> 5. That the Board recommends that the OIX governance, organizational,
> and membership model be as flexible as possible in order for OIX to best
> serve the stakeholders of the open identity services market and to support
> multiple fundraising options.
> 6. That the Board recommends that, in furtherance of the goal to create
> and support an open identity services market that is responsive to market
> forces while balancing the interests of all stakeholders, the board of OIX
> follow a “phased” development strategy;
> 7. That the Board recommends that the first phase of this strategy be
> focused primarily on meeting the U.S. government open identity assurance
> requirements and timeline as a way of establishing an initial reference
> trust framework in the identity market (the US ICAM TFPAP) because it is
> based on broadly applicable identity assurance standards;
> 8. That the Board recommends that, in recognition of the importance of
> the market in providing feedback to participants and driving innovation,
> this first trust framework implementation be put in place as quickly as
> possible, with the specific goal of enabling self-certification of the
> initial identity providers to the US ICAM LOA 1 trust framework by 3 March
> 2009.
> 9. That the Board recommends that the second phase of this strategy be
> focused on the expansion of OIX attention and support to include other trust
> communities that have already committed to working with OIX (e.g., PBS and
> NPR) in order to demonstrate that the broad identity market supported by OIX
> can simultaneously serve multiple trust communities with differing
> requirements and encourage innovation across all of them.
> 10. That, conditioned on the approval of the Mirror Resolution by the
> OIDF Board, the Board commits to a grant to be made to OIX in two
> installments: $25K initially, to be provided to OIX within 10 days of its
> opening of a bank account or as soon thereafter as feasible, and another
> $25K by the end of July 2010.
> 11. That it is the sense of Board that OIX and the identity market
> would benefit if the current ICF Executive Director served as the Acting
> Executive Director of OIX, and that the Board approves his participation in
> OIX in that capacity.
> 12. That it is the recommendation to the OIDF Board that it permit its
> Executive Director to serve as the Acting Chairman of the OIX board.
> 13. That K&L Gates LLP be retained initially by ICF and OIDF as legal
> counsel for the limited purpose of forming OIX, and that once OIX is formed,
> this retainer be terminated and that it be recommended to the OIX Board that
> K&L Gates LLP be retained by the OIX board as legal counsel for OIX.
> 14. That the ICF Executive Director is authorized to work in close
> collaboration with the OIDF and its Executive Director to undertake the
> steps necessary to organize and operate OIX according to these resolutions.
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