[OpenID board] Fwd: [OpenID - Eu] Conf Call OpenID EU 7th January
David Recordon
recordond at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 03:13:59 UTC 2010
Correct. Additionally that the Foundation has very little knowledge of what
is happening around OpenID in the EU and that there is little reason for a
EU organization to join the Foundation when they receive no representation
on the board compared to joining OpenID Europe.
On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 7:09 PM, Dick Hardt <dick.hardt at gmail.com> wrote:
> What problem are we trying to solve?
> Do we think that the OIDF is not understanding uniquely EU issues?
> On 2010-01-04, at 5:35 PM, Nat wrote:
> I think it is really good if we can reserve a seat for any large chapters.
> Ideally it should be a board seat; a third type called "regional" or
> "non-profit" following "community" and "corporate". There obviously has to
> be some threashold but something like a non-profit with 30 member
> organization or 100 individuals or annual budget larger than US$25K or
> equivalent men-hours committed to OpenID activities can be good.
> If that is difficult from the process point of view for the time being (it
> would require Process change that requires an all member vote I guess), then
> we should invite regional representatives (e.g. EU rep.) as invited experts
> to the board call. Since the board call should be comletely open apart from
> some specially designated sessions such as personnel issues, there should be
> no problem for it. We are merely requireing him to attend the calls to keep
> the title such as "EU Representative". Of course, they do not have vote, but
> this board I believe is wise enough to listen and consider it when voting.
> =nat at Tokyo via iPhone
> On 2010/01/05, at 8:54, David Recordon <recordond at gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone thought about how we increase European representation on the
> board? In the beginning Martin Atkins was on the board with one goal of
> being able to better represent Europe. Last year Snorri was elected, but
> unfortunately did not participate at all. Kick is now really pushing
> forward a lot of organization around OpenID in Europe and in order for us to
> grow globally, we should find a way to include and support their efforts.
> Any creative ideas around bringing good European representation onto the
> board?
> --David
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kick Willemse < <nieuwsgroep at evidos.nl>nieuwsgroep at evidos.nl>
> Date: Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:04 PM
> Subject: [OpenID - Eu] Conf Call OpenID EU 7th January
> To: <openid-eu at lists.openid.net>openid-eu at lists.openid.net
> Cc: "Don Thibeau (OIDF ED)" < <don at oidf.org>don at oidf.org>
> All,
> Unfortunately Europe didn't make it to the OIDF Board.
> Let the result be a stimulus to work more closer on the development of the
> European OpenID community and the internationalization of OpenID as a
> whole.
> This Thursday 7th January at 21.00 CET there will be the second conf. call.
> Skype: +9900827044560172 (Please contact if you prefer a tollfree number)
> The following agenda items are suggested:
> - Goals of OIDF and how to contribute?
> - EU RP's, are there any showcases, what hurdles do we see?
> - How to increase European (Corporate) members for OIDF?
> - What marketing efforts do we plan for 2010 in Europe and how will OIDF
> contribute?
> *RP factsheet?
> *Events?
> - EEMA Conference (London)
> - Catalyst (Prague)
> -The Next Web (Amsterdam)
> - Retail/ Insurance or other RP related events?
> - Do we need to work on an EU (International) openid profile like "ICAM
> open
> trust framework" and how is it related to Stork e-ID or other EU trust
> frameworks.
> - Other important requirements for openid.next from an EU perspective?
> Feel free to respond with other items you like to discuss.
> Kick
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