[OpenID board] Fwd: [OpenID - Eu] Conf Call OpenID EU 7th January
Dick Hardt
dick.hardt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 03:09:12 UTC 2010
What problem are we trying to solve?
Do we think that the OIDF is not understanding uniquely EU issues?
On 2010-01-04, at 5:35 PM, Nat wrote:
> I think it is really good if we can reserve a seat for any large chapters.
> Ideally it should be a board seat; a third type called "regional" or "non-profit" following "community" and "corporate". There obviously has to be some threashold but something like a non-profit with 30 member organization or 100 individuals or annual budget larger than US$25K or equivalent men-hours committed to OpenID activities can be good.
> If that is difficult from the process point of view for the time being (it would require Process change that requires an all member vote I guess), then we should invite regional representatives (e.g. EU rep.) as invited experts to the board call. Since the board call should be comletely open apart from some specially designated sessions such as personnel issues, there should be no problem for it. We are merely requireing him to attend the calls to keep the title such as "EU Representative". Of course, they do not have vote, but this board I believe is wise enough to listen and consider it when voting.
> =nat at Tokyo via iPhone
> On 2010/01/05, at 8:54, David Recordon <recordond at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Has anyone thought about how we increase European representation on the board? In the beginning Martin Atkins was on the board with one goal of being able to better represent Europe. Last year Snorri was elected, but unfortunately did not participate at all. Kick is now really pushing forward a lot of organization around OpenID in Europe and in order for us to grow globally, we should find a way to include and support their efforts. Any creative ideas around bringing good European representation onto the board?
>> --David
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Kick Willemse <nieuwsgroep at evidos.nl>
>> Date: Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 1:04 PM
>> Subject: [OpenID - Eu] Conf Call OpenID EU 7th January
>> To: openid-eu at lists.openid.net
>> Cc: "Don Thibeau (OIDF ED)" <don at oidf.org>
>> All,
>> Unfortunately Europe didn't make it to the OIDF Board.
>> Let the result be a stimulus to work more closer on the development of the
>> European OpenID community and the internationalization of OpenID as a whole.
>> This Thursday 7th January at 21.00 CET there will be the second conf. call.
>> Skype: +9900827044560172 (Please contact if you prefer a tollfree number)
>> The following agenda items are suggested:
>> - Goals of OIDF and how to contribute?
>> - EU RP's, are there any showcases, what hurdles do we see?
>> - How to increase European (Corporate) members for OIDF?
>> - What marketing efforts do we plan for 2010 in Europe and how will OIDF
>> contribute?
>> *RP factsheet?
>> *Events?
>> - EEMA Conference (London)
>> - Catalyst (Prague)
>> -The Next Web (Amsterdam)
>> - Retail/ Insurance or other RP related events?
>> - Do we need to work on an EU (International) openid profile like "ICAM open
>> trust framework" and how is it related to Stork e-ID or other EU trust
>> frameworks.
>> - Other important requirements for openid.next from an EU perspective?
>> Feel free to respond with other items you like to discuss.
>> Kick
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