[OpenID board] Open ID Summit EU
sakimura at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 16:01:59 UTC 2010
5/4-7 OpenID Summit at EIC Munich, Germany
Let us talk this on the 22nd.
=nat @ Tokyo via iPhone
On 2010/04/20, at 0:48, John Bradley <jbradley at mac.com> wrote:
> You are referring to the EIC http://www.id-conf.com/
> I think Kick and some others may be getting together there. There
> was no summit planed for that event as far as I know or can see on
> the EU list.
> We can discuss it on the EU call on the 22nd.
> John B.
> On 2010-04-19, at 11:15 AM, Nat wrote:
>> That's with EEMA. There is a European ID conference on May 3- and
>> wiki says there is a summit in conjunction with it. I. suppose that
>> one is cancelled.
>> =nat @ Tokyo via iPhone
>> On 2010/04/19, at 23:45, John Bradley <jbradley at mac.com> wrote:
>>> June 8.
>>> On 2010-04-19, at 10:37 AM, Nat wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the info. Is there a OpenID summit in conjunction with
>>>> European Identity Conference in May?
>>>> =nat @ Tokyo via iPhone
>>>> On 2010/04/19, at 22:37, "Don Thibeau ¥(OIDF ED¥)" <don at oidf.o
>>>> rg> wrote:
>>>>> The 2010 Series of OpenID Summits are a key area of investment
>>>>> and outreach for the OpenID Foundation. The OpenID Summit in
>>>>> Chicago pulled together a large and diverse group of relying
>>>>> parties who benefitted not only from updates from identity
>>>>> providers but also from discussions on a wide range of
>>>>> implementation issues. As Summit hosts, the Sears team made
>>>>> resources available for both those onsite as well as
>>>>> teleconferencing with Google facilities in Washington DC and
>>>>> California. Much of the Adoption Committee’s budget plans a
>>>>> nd priorities were generated by discussions at the Chicago Summit.
>>>>> The recently concluded, OpenID Summit West, focused exclusively
>>>>> on advancing the state of the core OpenID “product.” The Te
>>>>> chnology Committee’s agenda deliberately linked the discussi
>>>>> ons of technology with new working group action plans. Co H
>>>>> osts Microsoft and Google made possible a much needed commun
>>>>> ity analysis of development issues that could be supported s
>>>>> ustained by the ongoing support of the OIDF tech committee.
>>>>> Microsoft has agreed to host a one day OpenID Summit UK at the
>>>>> CP Auditorium on the 8th June. The Summit will be sponsored by
>>>>> the OIDF, at no/low cost and is not affiliated with the European
>>>>> e-Identity Management Conference. The cloud and security
>>>>> oriented European e-Identity Management Conference 2010 will be
>>>>> held in London on 9-10 June 2010 at Cardinal Place, 100 Victoria
>>>>> Street. 100 Victoria Street, London. It will feature federated
>>>>> identity and discussions of trust frameworks, see http://eema.org/
>>>>> This is an important outreach opportunity for the foundation and
>>>>> a chance for developers, identity providers and relying parties
>>>>> to exchange information. I encourage OIDF Sustaining and
>>>>> corporate members commit early to presentations on the 8th and
>>>>> use this opportunity to extend the adoption and technology
>>>>> committee discussions to this venue. To propose presentations
>>>>> and for further information please contact John Bradley or myself:
>>>>> Don Thibeau
>>>>> don at OIDF.org
>>>>> Executive Director
>>>>> The OpenID Foundation
>>>>> http://openid.net
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