[OpenID board] Budget for review?

David Recordon recordond at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 23:07:49 UTC 2010

Thanks! A few budget questions.

 1) How does the legal and tax budget compare to spending in FY09? I
assume that tax is the minority of the budget?

 2) I see that the Adoption Committee has $40,000 budgeted split
between market research, case studies/tutorials, and library updates.
There appears to be another $55,000 written into the budget for
branding/design/writing, web marketing, public relations, and IIW
sponsorships. Which Committee is managing this additional $55,000

3) While we've seen growth in the number of Sustaining Members, should
we be taking a more conservative approach to budgeting rather than
spending all but $600 this year? Trying to increase our bank balance
would be prudent given that the future is always unpredictable when it
comes to membership (currently our only revenue).

4) I believe that the Technology Committee had asked for a modest
budget for hosting events like this upcoming technology summit. Given
that we're already doing this, why was that request denied (or is it
the membership meetings & support budget)?


On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 11:44 PM, Brian Kissel <bkissel at janrain.com> wrote:
> Hey David, Don and John have been working on a the budget and will be sending out the draft tomorrow.
> Cheers,
> Brian
> ___________
> Brian Kissel
> CEO - JanRain, Inc.
> bkissel at janrain.com
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net [mailto:openid-board-bounces at lists.openid.net] On Behalf Of David Recordon
> Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 10:12 PM
> To: OpenID Board
> Subject: [OpenID board] Budget for review?
> Given the work by both the Adoption and Technology committees in
> producing budget requests, I'm hoping that there will be a proposed
> budget from the Executive Committee before our meeting on Monday.  My
> recollection is that there was about $100,000 of funds to be split
> among the committees in 2010 and that the two budget proposals were
> each about $50,000.
> My hope is that we use the time Monday for more strategic planning
> conversations.  This means having had time to review (and discuss) the
> proposed budget in advance of the meeting so that we can quickly
> approve it and move on.
> Thanks,
> --David
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