[OpenID board] August 26, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
David Recordon
recordond at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 02:18:16 UTC 2009
Where can I view the updated IPR and bylaws documents? I haven't seen
any drafts since the first round of feedback last month.
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 3:20 PM, Mike Jones <Michael.Jones at microsoft.com> wrote:
> August 26, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
> Attendees:
> Don Thibeau, Executive Director
> Mike Jones
> Brian Kissel
> Nat Sakimura
> Raj Mata
> Absent:
> David Recordon
> Scott Kveton
> Visitors:
> John Ehrig, Global Inventures
> 1. Overview of Retail Outreach Initiative
> We have been in conversation with Sears. We are hoping that they will host
> a usability summit in Chicago in November. Don is visiting them and other
> retailers in Chicago next month. We are having a conversation with them as
> well about the value that the Contract Exchange (CX) extension could have
> for them and other retailers. We believe that it’s important that we
> continue to focus on this initiative in parallel with the government
> initiative.
> [Raj Mata joined the call at this point]
> 2. Government Initiative Update
> We expect the government to post final certification requirements within the
> next month. Our certification program will remain in a provisional state
> until we know the government’s actual requirements. One issue we need to
> decide is whether to make a proactive statement about privacy, possibly in
> our FAQ, or whether to simply state that we are attempting to meet the
> requirements of our customer – in this case, the US government. There was a
> sense on the call that this is not something the foundation needs to take a
> position on, as it is actually a business matter between the participating
> parties. Planning for the Gov 2.0 conference and associated events are well
> under way. During our joint meetings with the Information Card Foundation
> we want to discuss the execution issues of making sure that the initial
> pilots go well. Brian also suggested that we have measures of success for
> the initial pilots.
> There are over 500 US government sites today with more being added
> regularly. About 1/3 of them currently ask for the person’s name. A goal
> is to move many of these sites towards more interactivity with their
> constituents. One goal of our time in DC is assessing how serious
> government sites are about moving towards this goal.
> Don plans for us to proactively answer the question of why the foundation
> chose to operate in a private fashion in the initial stages of the
> government program. Essentially, we did this at the request of the
> government and with a unanimous board decision authorizing us to proceed on
> this basis so that we would be able to participate.
> 3. IPR Policy and Bylaws Documents
> The updated IPR and bylaws documents are ready for board action at the next
> meeting. Any additional comments should be sent to Don.
> 4. OpenID Trademark
> We are working with a trademark attorney to produce an inventory of uses of
> the OpenID trademark and determine what enforcement actions we need to take.
> 5. Poll of the Board and In-Person Meeting at IIW
> Don will be sending a poll to the board covering a number of issues
> pertaining to the remaining part of the year and planning for 2010. One
> topic to be covered is the possibility of an in-person board meeting
> co-located with IIW. The Executive Committee believes that this in-person
> meeting will be valuable and should occur.
> 6. Potential Officer Changes
> At the next board meeting we will likely accept Raj’s resignation as
> treasurer (but not from the board) and potentially appoint Mike Ozburn of
> Booz Allen Hamilton as treasurer. Booz Allen Hamilton will be a board
> member by then. Also, given that Scott Kveton has indicated that he will
> not be able to fully participate as vice-chair, a motion may be made to
> appoint Nat as vice-chair.
> 7. Budget Update
> We are on budget. Companies are renewing their memberships and some new
> memberships are coming in.
> 8. Educational Workshops
> We will be holding a series of workshops in DC and the Bay Area covering
> OpenID technology, which will be led by John Bradley, and also covering
> certification. These will be held throughout the rest of the year. Booz
> Allen Hamilton has offered to help sponsor and manage these workshops.
> 9. OpenID Summit
> Yahoo has proposed to help facilitate and host an OpenID summit covering
> usability and security towards the end of the year.
> 10. Looking Forward
> Now that we’re wrapping up the “housekeeping” issues of the foundation, the
> focus of future board discussions will be shifting more towards strategic
> and planning issues.
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