[OpenID board] August 26, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Fri Sep 18 22:20:02 UTC 2009
August 26, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Mike Jones
Brian Kissel
Nat Sakimura
Raj Mata
David Recordon
Scott Kveton
John Ehrig, Global Inventures
1. Overview of Retail Outreach Initiative
We have been in conversation with Sears. We are hoping that they will host a usability summit in Chicago in November. Don is visiting them and other retailers in Chicago next month. We are having a conversation with them as well about the value that the Contract Exchange (CX) extension could have for them and other retailers. We believe that it's important that we continue to focus on this initiative in parallel with the government initiative.
[Raj Mata joined the call at this point]
2. Government Initiative Update
We expect the government to post final certification requirements within the next month. Our certification program will remain in a provisional state until we know the government's actual requirements. One issue we need to decide is whether to make a proactive statement about privacy, possibly in our FAQ, or whether to simply state that we are attempting to meet the requirements of our customer - in this case, the US government. There was a sense on the call that this is not something the foundation needs to take a position on, as it is actually a business matter between the participating parties. Planning for the Gov 2.0 conference and associated events are well under way. During our joint meetings with the Information Card Foundation we want to discuss the execution issues of making sure that the initial pilots go well. Brian also suggested that we have measures of success for the initial pilots.
There are over 500 US government sites today with more being added regularly. About 1/3 of them currently ask for the person's name. A goal is to move many of these sites towards more interactivity with their constituents. One goal of our time in DC is assessing how serious government sites are about moving towards this goal.
Don plans for us to proactively answer the question of why the foundation chose to operate in a private fashion in the initial stages of the government program. Essentially, we did this at the request of the government and with a unanimous board decision authorizing us to proceed on this basis so that we would be able to participate.
3. IPR Policy and Bylaws Documents
The updated IPR and bylaws documents are ready for board action at the next meeting. Any additional comments should be sent to Don.
4. OpenID Trademark
We are working with a trademark attorney to produce an inventory of uses of the OpenID trademark and determine what enforcement actions we need to take.
5. Poll of the Board and In-Person Meeting at IIW
Don will be sending a poll to the board covering a number of issues pertaining to the remaining part of the year and planning for 2010. One topic to be covered is the possibility of an in-person board meeting co-located with IIW. The Executive Committee believes that this in-person meeting will be valuable and should occur.
6. Potential Officer Changes
At the next board meeting we will likely accept Raj's resignation as treasurer (but not from the board) and potentially appoint Mike Ozburn of Booz Allen Hamilton as treasurer. Booz Allen Hamilton will be a board member by then. Also, given that Scott Kveton has indicated that he will not be able to fully participate as vice-chair, a motion may be made to appoint Nat as vice-chair.
7. Budget Update
We are on budget. Companies are renewing their memberships and some new memberships are coming in.
8. Educational Workshops
We will be holding a series of workshops in DC and the Bay Area covering OpenID technology, which will be led by John Bradley, and also covering certification. These will be held throughout the rest of the year. Booz Allen Hamilton has offered to help sponsor and manage these workshops.
9. OpenID Summit
Yahoo has proposed to help facilitate and host an OpenID summit covering usability and security towards the end of the year.
10. Looking Forward
Now that we're wrapping up the "housekeeping" issues of the foundation, the focus of future board discussions will be shifting more towards strategic and planning issues.
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