[OpenID board] Motion: allow use of OpenID trademark on Google Code (part 1 of 2)

Chris Messina chris.messina at gmail.com
Fri May 29 19:25:39 UTC 2009

We've batted around the idea of moving the OpenID libraries to Google Code
for some time [1] and I'd like to make a motion to make this happen.
My goals are to:

   1. increase the visibility of and convenience of access to the OpenID
   2. increase activity and community involvement in contributions to the
   OpenID libraries
   3. make use of more collaboration-friendly source control systems (GitHub
   can be used as a feeder to the mainline Google Code repo)
   4. make sure that we have a transparent mechanism for recording and
   assigning bugs (OpenIDEnabled.com's trac setup returns a 404 for the login
   page: http://trac.openidenabled.com/trac/login, and an account is
   required to submit new tickets)
   5. move away from darcs for simply checking out copies of the libraries
   6. etc.

So, this motion boils down to granting Google the right to use the OpenID
trademark on the Google Code project.

If this motion passes, Dewitt will unlock the project and assign myself,
Dave Recordon, Will Norris, Luke Shepard and Brian Ellin as the initial
project admins.

I will commit to migrating the content on OpenIDEnabled.com to either the
Google Code wiki or the OpenID wiki itself.

So, with that, I look forward to your +1's.


[1] http://openid.net/pipermail/board/2009-March/001964.html

Chris Messina
Open Web Advocate

Website: http://factoryjoe.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/chrismessina
Facebook: http://facebook.com/chrismessina

Diso Project: http://diso-project.org
OpenID Foundation: http://openid.net

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