[OpenID board] April 15, 2009 OpenID Board Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Wed May 6 13:56:14 UTC 2009
April 15, 2009 OpenID Board Call Minutes
Don Thibeau, Executive Director
Eric Sachs
Chris Messina
Brian Kissel
Mike Jones
David Recordon
Tony Nadalin
Raj Mata
Andrew Nash
Nat Sakimura
Gary Krall
Luke Shepard
Joseph Smarr
Scott Kveton
Snorri Giorgetti
John Ehrig, Inventures
1. RSA Conference Planning
A number of people will be manning the OpenID booth at the RSA pre-conference identity event on Monday. There will be a meeting on Tuesday at 3:30 at RSA at the W hotel with US government representatives. Board members will try to also get together on Tuesday.
2. Meeting in DC with US Federal CIO
There will be a meeting on April 29th in DC with the Federal CIO. They are interested in enabling citizen access to government services via OpenID .
3. IDTBD Discussion
The following FAQ about IDTBD was approved on the call:
Question 1: What is the OpenID foundation's view of the IDTBD initiative?
Answer 1: We are looking forward to feedback from OIDF community members and corporations who are involved with this initiative. The IDTBD initiative indicates how rich the web identity ecosystem has become and how diverse approaches are evolving at a rapid pace.
Question 2: Will the OpenID join IDTBD?
Answer 2: we are taking a "wait and see" approach and working with many of the founders of the new organization. We have been collaborating and working together with the US government Identity, Credential & Access Management Office of Technology Strategy
Office of Government wide Policy
Question 3: What is the position of OpenID vis-a-vis IDTBD?
The OIDF is currently focused on two key initiatives around improving usability and user data management (note: this includes security but also SREG/AX, PoCo, Oauth, activity streams, etc.) of OpenID. As OpenID expands into applications areas such as government and commerce where IDTBD has been providing thought leadership on Identity Assurance Frameworks (IAF) and levels of assurance (LOA), there may be ways for us to collaborate more closely.
4. Change of Google representative and new community member
DeWitt Clinton has resigned as Google's board representative and Eric Sachs has been chosen by Google to fill that position. This opened a community board seat, which was previously held by Eric. The board unanimously selected Allen Tom to fill this seat.
5. Discussion of draft 2009/2010 Operating Plan and Budget
Don reviewed a presentation that covered key success factors for organizations like ours, things that only the OIDF can do, things that OIDF must do, and key deliverables for this year, including updating the bylaws and making tweaks to the IPR procedures. The legal committee plans to drive this work to conclusion by June with the help of continued donated legal resources from Microsoft. Refresh media and Inventures are doing work to make our web tools more usable and better able to serve our members.
Some of the operating priorities are: Outsource non-core functions. Move to a model where we have our own general counsel, rather than relying on ongoing donated legal services from Microsoft. International adoption will be a priority. We will be trying for a net gain of 2 sustaining members over the next year. We will not be going into debt and will always be cash positive.
The majority of our expenses are fixed expenses, in particular, the executive director. Variable expenses are primarily around adoption and marketing, including usability and security events. These events may not be conferences, but may be workshops or a series of workshops, possibly co-located with other events. We will be trying for co-sponsorships for any events we participate in.
Brian asked if there were priorities not listed in the current plan that board members wanted to discuss. Chris took the point of view that trademark issues should be a priority over the coming year. David believes that we need to have a policy on how the OpenID mark can be used. Don said that this is a priority within the proposed legal budget. He will research what our trademark game plan should look like.
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