[OpenID board] Fwd: [IDtbd] Rev 2.0 of Draft Bylaws and IPR Policy
David Recordon
david at sixapart.com
Sat Feb 28 08:30:10 UTC 2009
Attached are the draft Bylaws and IPR Policy coming out of the IDtbd
face to face meeting (which I did not attend) earlier this week. The
model largely seems to be the same as from the discussions last year,
a Board of Trustees mainly consisting of companies that control the
funds within the organization and then a separate Leadership Council
made up of working group leaders who request money from the company
body. The Bylaws document is a red-line from last year so it is easy
to see how little has actually changed. Additionally, the draft IPR
Policy does not seem to take into account much of the innovation that
has occurred over the past two years within the OpenID, OAuth,
OpenSocial and Open Web Foundation communities but rather is a much
more traditional large SDO policy.
While there is obviously enough interest in this model for Liberty to
be moving forward, I still don't believe that it is a model matching
the values of the OpenID community (nor that of the communities behind
technologies like OAuth and OpenSocial).
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Bill Smith <Bill.Smith at Sun.COM>
> Date: February 26, 2009 9:55:31 PM PST
> To: idtbd at googlegroups.com
> Subject: [IDtbd] Rev 2.0 of Draft Bylaws and IPR Policy
> Reply-To: idtbd at googlegroups.com
> All,
> I wanted to thank to everyone that participated in the discussions
> over the past two days. I believe they were productive and have
> resulted in a better understanding of our issue and concerns.
> Attached are updated Draft Bylaws and IPR Policy documents that I
> hope reflect the discussions that we held over the past two days.
> These new drafts are the result of review and revision by a small
> group of those that participated in the discussions and represent
> our best effort to establish a consensus position of all in the room.
> The Bylaws are a redlined from Version 1.0. The IPR Policy is not
> redlined but includes changes that should reflect our intention that
> license obligations attach only to WG members. Below is a concise
> outline of the Policy:
> WG Member
> Default RF license obligation
> Option to withdraw Necessary Claims to RAND during prescribed periods
> Option to withdraw from WG (license obligation depends on timing of
> withdrawal)
> Contributions RF, no option to withdraw (unless disclosure at time
> of contribution)
> WG Non-member
> No obligation to license
> Please review and submit comments at your earliest convenience.
> Regards,
> Bill
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