[OpenID board] Minutes from February 18, 2009 OpenID Board Call

Mike Jones Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Sat Feb 28 01:21:25 UTC 2009

February 18, 2009 OpenID Board Call Minutes

Brian Kissel
Scott Kveton
Luke Shepard
DeWitt Clinton
Don Thibeau
Mike Jones
Raj Mata
Chris Messina
Tony Nadalin
Nat Sakimura
Gary Krall
Eric Sachs
Andrew Nash
Joseph Smarr

David Recordon
Snorri Giorgetti

Brett McDowell of the Liberty Alliance

1.       Introduction of Don Thibeau, our new Interim Executive Director
Don talked about seeing his first responsibilities as being to get the financial and organizational health of the foundation in order.  He also talked about laying the ground work to have an OpenID-focused event, subject to it achieving our goals.

2.       Report on the UX Summit
Luke reported on the UX Summit recently held by Facebook.  Among other results, a wiki containing recommendations for UX best practices was produced.  There appears to be more consensus in the Identity Provider space than the Relying Party space.  A pop-up extension is also being designed.  A video was produced of the event is available at http://factoryjoe.com/blog/2009/02/13/this-week-in-video-facebook-and-the-openid-design-workshop/.

Nat suggested that it would be useful to have a UX summit in Europe where cultural trust models may be different.

[Nat, Gary, Andrew, and Joseph joined the call during the UX Summit report]

3.       Treasurer's Update
Raj reported that the foundation has $143,000 in current assets.  This is post receiving the PayPal dues and pre receiving the Facebook dues.  Next Raj and Don will work together on a budget.

Brian pointed out that plans are needed for Financial, Operating, Marketing, Membership, and other areas, all of which are inter-related.  Don agreed that these plans are "Number one on the hit parade".

4.       Inventures Contract
Raj reported that we have engaged Inventures for $4000 per month to handle back office functions.  They will be a document repository, will answer the phone, will manage the memberships, and will do bookkeeping (although not accounting).  The solutions we use will be a hybrid of our existing solutions where they work well and their existing solutions where we have gaps.

There was a substantial discussion of what makes best sense for them to do for us and how to best utilize their services.

5.       2009 Priorities
Brian discussed a list of first half and second half 2009 priorities that he shared with the board.  Don will be reviewing and prioritizing this list with Brian and the board, with the intent of developing a list of actions to take.  The board authorized Don to start prioritization and resource investigation work, with this as a starting point.

6.       Security Committee Update
Tony agreed that it makes sense for someone else to chair this committee.  Other possible chairs were discussed but a final chair decision was not made, pending investigations by some of the possible chairs.

7.       Update on RSA Pre-Conference Event
Mike reported that we need to decide who will be presenting what in our demo station that we purchased at the event.  By default, we will be showing the OpenID security-related interop tests that we sponsored for the current OSIS interop.  Other ideas for how to best use this opportunity are also welcome.

[Brett McDowell of the Liberty Alliance joined and Eric and Luke left the call during the RSA Pre-Conference Event discussion]

8.       Brett McDowell Updated us on the IDTBD Organization Idea
Brett gave us summary of the IDTBD Organization idea http://idtbd.org/.  He outlined the history of the discussions and talked about Liberty's intention to eventually dissolve the Liberty Alliance and put its resources behind IDTBD.  This is intended to foster a further public sense of interoperability and cooperation among identity leaders.  He discussed potential OpenID-related working groups, intellectual property policies, and support for open source implementations.   He told us that meetings will be open.  He also enumerated a number of kinds of activities the new organization is considering and the benefits of the OpenID Foundation cooperating with IDTBD.

Brett reported that the Information Card Foundation, the Data Portability group, the Internet Society, XDI.org, and OpenID Japan, and OpenID Europe have all express interest in IDTBD.  The organization will not officially form until late March and will be launched operationally in April.  They are looking to launch with the broadest set of launch members as possible.  Brett is asking that the OpenID Foundation appoint a representative to participate in the IDTBD formation discussions.

[Brett McDowell left the call]

9.       Update on Voting Tool Improvements to Enable Votes for IPR Changes
Mike reported that David and he have communicated requirements to Refresh Media to enable the voting tool to be able to be used for votes for IPR Process and Policy changes.  (These votes have additional requirements beyond standard votes, such as notification of legal contacts.)

10.   Frequency of Board Calls
By voice vote with some dissent, the board decided to increase the frequency of the board calls to every 4 weeks from every 6 weeks on a trial basis for the next two board calls.  The next board calls will therefore be on Wednesday, March 18th and Wednesday, April 18th.  This will decrease the frequency of executive committee calls to once every 4 weeks.

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