[OpenID board] Two Working Group Membership Votes Needed
Nat Sakimura
sakimura at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 10:51:15 UTC 2009
Thanks David!
On 2/20/09, David Recordon <david at sixapart.com> wrote:
> I've just created these two membership votes.
> --David
> On Feb 16, 2009, at 5:52 PM, David Recordon wrote:
>> Brian,
>> Can you please setup the two following votes for the membership?
>> Thanks,
>> --David
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: David Recordon <david at sixapart.com>
>>> Date: February 1, 2009 11:02:15 AM GMT+13:00
>>> To: specs at openid.net
>>> Subject: RECOMMENDED: Proposal to create the Contract Exchange
>>> Extension working group
>>> The Specifications Council recommends that the Foundation members
>>> approve the creation of the Contract Exchange Extension working
>>> group (http://openid.net/pipermail/specs-council/2009-January/000110.html
>>> ), as proposed below and found at
>>> http://wiki.openid.net/Working_Groups%3AContract_Exchange_1
>>> .
>>> If you are a member of the OpenID Foundation, you'll be able to
>>> login and vote on the creation of this new working group after this
>>> 14-day notice period. The vote thus will be from Wednesday
>>> Saturday 14th through Saturday February 21st. All votes are held
>>> in US Pacific Time.
>>> --David
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> specs mailing list
>>> specs at openid.net
>>> http://openid.net/mailman/listinfo/specs
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: David Recordon <david at sixapart.com>
>>> Date: February 1, 2009 11:03:02 AM GMT+13:00
>>> To: OpenID Specs Mailing List <specs at openid.net>
>>> Subject: Re: RECOMMENDED: Proposal to create the OpenID and OAuth
>>> Hybrid Extension working group
>>> Unless there are any objections, I will change this voting period
>>> to match that of the CX working group where the vote will open
>>> Saturday February 14th.
>>> --David
>>> ----- "David Recordon" <david at sixapart.com> wrote:
>>> > The Specifications Council recommends that the Foundation members
>>> approve the creation of the OpenID and OAuth Hybrid Extension
>>> working group
>>> (http://openid.net/pipermail/specs-council/2009-January/000099.html
>>> ), as proposed below and found at
>>> http://wiki.openid.net/OpenID-and-OAuth-Hybrid-Extension
>>> .
>>> >
>>> >
>>> If you are a member of the OpenID Foundation, you'll be able to
>>> login and vote on the creation of this new working group after this
>>> 14-day notice period. The vote thus will be from Wednesday
>>> February 11th through Wednesday February 18th. All votes are held
>>> in US Pacific Time.
>>> >
>>> --David
>>> >
>>> >
>>> Background Information
>>> OpenID has always been focused on how to enable user-authentication
>>> within the browser. Over the last year, OAuth has been developed
>>> to allow authorization either from within a browser, desktop
>>> software, or mobile devices. Obviously there has been interest in
>>> using OpenID and OAuth together allowing a user to share their
>>> identity as well as grant a Relying Party access to an OAuth
>>> protected resource in a single step. A small group of people have
>>> been working on developing an extension to OpenID which makes this
>>> possible in a collaborative fashion within
>>> http://code.google.com/p/step2/
>>> . This small project includes a draft spec and Open Source
>>> implementations which the proposers would like to finalize within
>>> the OpenID Foundation.
>>> >
>>> Working Group Name
>>> OpenID OAuth Hybrid Working Group
>>> >
>>> Purpose
>>> Produce a standard OpenID extension to the OpenID Authentication
>>> protocol that provides a mechanism to embed an OAuth approval
>>> request into an OpenID authentication request to permit combined
>>> user approval. The extension addresses the use case where the
>>> OpenID Provider and OAuth Service Provider are the same service. To
>>> provide good user experience, it is important to present a combined
>>> authentication and authorization screen for the two protocols.
>>> >
>>> Scope
>>> The proposed work is as follows:
>>> >
>>> * Extend the OpenID authentication request/response and the
>>> assertion verification mechanism, to embed an OAuth approval
>>> request into an OpenID authentication request. Assuming the OpenID
>>> Provider and OAuth Service Provider are the same service.
>>> * Insulation of each protocol from the other, both for backwards
>>> compatibility as well as to enable OpenID and OAuth to evolve and
>>> incorporate additional features without requiring reviews of the
>>> combined usage. Especially, to allow future support for
>>> unregistered OAuth consumers.
>>> * Security analysis and best practices
>>> >
>>> Out of scope
>>> >
>>> * The OpenID extension does not define an unregistered OAuth
>>> consumers mode, but instead ensures that such support would be
>>> possible by protocol insulation. The unregistered consumers mode
>>> should be defined separately in the OAuth specifications.
>>> >
>>> Anticipated Contributions
>>> Finalize the OpenID OAuth Extension spec
>>> (http://step2.googlecode.com/svn/spec/openid_oauth_extension/drafts/0/openid_oauth_extension.html
>>> ) as an official OpenID Extension.
>>> >
>>> Proposed List of Specifications
>>> OpenID OAuth Extension 1.0. Specification completion by Q1 2009.
>>> >
>>> Anticipated audience or users of the work
>>> * OpenID Providers and Relying Parties
>>> * OAuth Consumers and Service Providers
>>> * Implementers of OpenID Providers and Relying Parties
>>> >
>>> Language in which the WG will conduct business
>>> English.
>>> >
>>> Method of work
>>> E-mail discussions on the working group mailing list and working
>>> group conference calls.
>>> >
>>> Basis for determining when the work of the WG is completed
>>> The work will be completed once it is apparent that maximal
>>> consensus on the protocol proposal has been achieved within the
>>> working group, consistent with the purpose and scope.
>>> >
>>> Proposers
>>> * Ben Laurie, benl at google.com, Google
>>> * Breno de Medeiros, breno at google.com, Google
>>> * David Recordon, drecordon at sixapart.com, Six Apart
>>> * Dirk Balfanz, balfanz at google.com, Google
>>> * Joseph Smarr, jsmarr at plaxo.com, Plaxo
>>> * Yariv Adan, yariv at google.com, Google
>>> * Allen Tom, atom at yahoo-inc.com , Yahoo
>>> * Josh Hoyt, josh at janrain.com , JanRain
>>> >
>>> Initial Editors
>>> * Dirk Balfanz, balfanz at google.com, Google
>>> * Breno de Medeiros, breno at google.com, Google
>>> >
>>> > _______________________________________________ specs mailing
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Nat Sakimura (=nat)
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