[OpenID board] February 4, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Michael.Jones at microsoft.com
Thu Feb 12 21:51:16 UTC 2009
February 4, 2009 OpenID Executive Committee Call Minutes
Mike Jones
Raj Mata
Scott Kveton
Brian Kissel
David Recordon
None Absent
No Visitors
1. Security Committee update
Scott reported that others are willing to chair the security committee if Tony has too much on his plate to do so. The committee agreed that we will select another chair at the board call in two weeks unless Tony becomes active in leading the committee before that.
2. Secretary's update
The previous executive committee minutes were posted to the private list on the day of the call and received no comments over the week for their review. They were posted to the public list as approved and also posted to the meeting-notes folder on the new wiki.
3. Treasurer's update
Raj reported that our bank accounts have a $131,000 balance as of today, including the $50,000 from PayPal. There is another ~$7,000 in our PayPal account that we need to account for. We don't know what our liabilities are. We are paid up on the web site design and implementation work we have done. Scott will be going to Bill Washburn's house to get Foundation documents, including checkbooks, within the next week. We plan to add Raj as treasurer and possibly another board member as signers on the OIDF bank accounts.
4. Sustaining Member Dues
The sustaining members are agreed that the sustaining member dues should remain at $50,000 for this year. Some members have requested that a clear statement of the value proposition for being a sustaining member be produced.
5. State of admin: accounting, legal, bylaws, tax status, membership agreements, compliance, etc.
The executive committee agrees that our staff should be doing many of these things. Rather than burdening the interim ED with this administrivia, we agreed to investigate using Inventures, provided the interim ED agrees with this strategy. The executive committee unanimously approved spending up to $5,000 per month to have Inventures or another contract company perform these tasks for the Foundation.
6. Interim ED hiring update
Brian reports that we have an agreement in principle for a candidate to start as an executive director. Brian is working with our lawyer to draft an actual contract. We hope to have a signed offer in hand this week. The interim ED will be a part-time employee, who is a contractor with no office or benefits. Some board members will meet with the candidate in person on Tuesday next week.
7. RSA pre-conference workshop opportunity
The workshop organizers have reserved a demo pod for the OpenID Foundation, which the Foundation will be paying $1000 for. The marketing committee needs to decide what to do with this pod.
[Scott had to leave the call to board a flight at this point]
8. Facebook Announcement
It looks like Facebook will announce their board membership on Thursday, February 5th (tomorrow). We have a signed membership agreement from Facebook.
9. International Liaison EC position
The vote is open through the end of tomorrow.
10. Spec process improvement initiatives
Nat's specification process changes were all approved by the board by a supermajority. A membership vote is now needed to be able to amend the process. David would like to see two additional simple changes voted on by the membership at the same time. David will produce wording for these changes and Brian will initiate board votes for these two additional process changes.
Meanwhile, upgrades to our membership tools will be made to enable member votes of this kind, which includes a requirement for proxy voting, multiple notifications, and notifying legal contacts, will occur. David and Mike will work with refresh media to specify these changes, receive a bid, and get them occur.
The committee agreed that highly related changes will be voted on as a unit, whereas unrelated sets of changes will be presented to the membership for separate votes.
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