[OpenID board] [board-private] Meeting details for tomorrow morning
Eric Sachs
esachs at google.com
Tue Feb 10 01:39:29 UTC 2009
>> If you plan to attend, please do reply to this email to let us know.
I will be attending
2009/2/9 Chris Messina <chris.messina at gmail.com>
> Julia has secured the Newton room which fits 20 people in their 156
> University Ave building (Palo Alto).
> It's reserved and ready to go, from 9am - 2pm.
> Here's parking information (I recommend Caltrain to those who have that
> option):
> Parking Garages at:
> http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=9180
> Palo Alto Parking info at:
> http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=3904
> Info on Daily Permits
> ■ All Day Visitor Parking
> If the two-hour or three-hour time zones aren't sufficient, visitors may
> purchase a one-day permit. Permits are valid in all off-street parking lots
> and garages. All-day permits are not valid for on-street parking spaces.
> Members of the parking assessment district may purchase daily permits in
> advance for visitors and guests to the downtown. All permits may be
> purchased at Palo Alto Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue on the first floor
> at Revenue Collections. A privately owned pay garage is located at 525
> University Avenue. Construction worker vehicles require a special permit
> that can be purchased at the City of Palo Alto Development Center, 285
> Hamilton Avenue.
> This is not an official OpenID Board meeting, but an informal opportunity
> to convene to discuss several of the proposed slates for priorities for the
> foundation in 2009. No binding decisions on the foundation will be made at
> this meeting.
> As we have limited space, OIDF board members will have priority access. If
> you plan to attend, please do reply to this email to let us know.
> As well, not everyone attending this meeting will or should be presumed to
> be attending the OpenID Design Workshop. Those are two separate events --
> coinciding merely for convenience (that is, you can attend one and not the
> other, as is your wont).
> Chris
> --
> Chris Messina
> Citizen-Participant &
> Open Web Advocate-at-Large
> factoryjoe.com # diso-project.org
> citizenagency.com # vidoop.com
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