[OpenID board] OIDF Board information session (not an official board meeting) at Facebook next Tuesday - input for OIDF 2009 priorities
Chris Messina
chris.messina at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 00:51:01 UTC 2009
+1 to what Dave said. I'm embarrassed by the state of support/community we
have for our libraries.
I also think that we need to ramp up documentation across the board, and
also do more to provide social connectivity for OIDF members. I think we
need to provide both more tools to connect folks on the periphery of OpenID
(promotion of events, meetups and the like) and also publish an open To Do
list where members and interested parties can get involved and participate
in low-hanging, but essential, fruit.
I think that, though Brian's list is a great general start, we need to
consider our means, and the best way of distributing our work... I would
like to see us perform a number of surveys and user studies, and work with
companies to develop an archive of research related to user identity, online
behavior and similar relatively poorly understood areas.
On Sat, Feb 7, 2009 at 4:23 PM, David Recordon <david at sixapart.com> wrote:
> Another goal I have is increasing and improving the tools that are provided
> to developers around OpenID from traditional libraries to testing tools to
> JavaScript-based user interface components. The past six to nine months
> I've been hearing from many members of the community around the World that
> the existing open source libraries are falling behind and many larger
> implementations are writing their own libraries rather than using those that
> exist. I think Google Summer of Code might be one tactic to help us do
> this, but we need to work with the community in putting together an overall
> strategy.
> --David
> ----- "Brian Kissel" <bkissel at janrain.com> wrote:
> > >
> Agreed, this will not be an official board meeting, but a discussion
> session providing input for 2009 priorities. We should target having a
> recommendation to discuss at the board call on February 18th.
> Does anyone else have topics they'd like to cover or suggest as priorities
> in advance of the session? I'll try to organize our thoughts in a way that
> we can have a productive and effective session and try not to rehash a lot
> that has been said in the past. If possible, we should try to get agreement
> on the top few initiatives and possibly some measures of success for each.
> If we have time left over we can list potential programs and initiatives
> directed at achieving the desired results. Here's what we have so far:
> · *Goal: improve the UX of OpenID*
> o Measures of Success: UX is intuitive and consistent across
> OpenID-enabled websites; no major concerns by actual/would-be adopters;
> OpenID login success rates > username/password login success rates
> (Johannes)
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: improve the security of OpenID*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · G*oal: improve the availability and consistency of user profile
> data available*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: establish successful reference deployments of OpenID
> across specific website categories to address the "chicken and egg"
> resistance*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: improve awareness and understanding of the benefits and
> use of OpenID, for RPs and end users*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: develop a plan for if, when, and how OpenID could be
> extended into online retail applications*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: The OpenID brand is clearly defined, known and considered
> valuable by the general public (not just techies), and backed by an
> effective trademark regime. (Johannes)*
> o Measures of Success: Specific results from brand surveys, examples of
> enforcement against infringers of the brand and trademark
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: OIDF is organizationally and financially sound for the
> long term and for the benefit of the entire global community (Johannes)*
> o Measures of Success: permanent staff, further increasing corporate
> support, sufficient resources for well-planned/coordinated activities taking
> place world-wide.
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: OpenID-related innovation is driven by the needs of the
> marketplace, not just technical coolness (Johannes)*
> o Measures of Success: Substantial, active involvement in a broad range
> of working groups by mainstream businesses
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> · *Goal: obtain broad market involvement in OpenID including
> Financial, Web Commerce, Transportation, Social Sites, Internet Providers,
> Telcos, and Government (Nat)*
> o Measures of Success:
> o Supporting programs and activities:
> Cheers,
> > Brian
> *==============*
> *Brian Kissel*
> *Cell: 503.866.4424*
> *Fax: 503.296.5502*
> >
> *From:* Brian Kissel
> > *Sent:* Saturday, February 07, 2009 10:00 AM
> > *To:* board-private at openid.net
> >
> > *Subject:* OIDF Board meeting at Facebook next Tuesday
> Thanks Luke, if you could book a room for us from 9:30 to noon that would
> be great. My guess is we'll have 8 to 10 board members who should be able
> to attend. I think the following have expressed interest so far: Scott,
> David, Luke, Joseph, Andrew, Raj, DeWitt, Eric, Chris, and Brian. Pretty
> sure that Tony, Mike, Nat, and Snorri can't make it. Don't know about Gary.
> Luke, do you think you could get us a room with a Polycom so we could allow
> anyone who can't make it in person to call in?
> I'm open to topics that people would like to discuss. One valuable area
> might be the thread that Johannes and Nat have been moving forward w.r.t.
> key goals for 2009. Last fall Johannes pulled together a comprehensive
> list <http://wiki.openid.net/Strategy> of possible areas we should
> consider addressing that included input from Snorri's and Nat's work as well
> as input from various board members. We've recently emphasized a focus on
> UX and Security, let's try to set some specific goals and measures for
> success for these two areas.
> Another theme that we've heard from lots of prospective RPs is better and
> more consistent user profile data from the major OPs (SREG, AX, OAuth). Is
> there a role for the OIDF to help in this area, or is this something the
> individual OPs need to address for themselves? If there is a role for the
> OIDF, what is it and how do we measure our success?
> We also have a "chicken and egg" problem where a number of content
> providers (media, entertainment, affinity groups) say none of my peers or
> competitors have deployed OpenID yet, I'll just wait until someone else goes
> first. So what can the OIDF and member companies do to get some early
> adopters deployed in each major category to "prime the pump?" Can we get
> some early adopters in several categories: newspapers, magazines, TV, radio,
> sports, games, personal productivity tools, college and corporate alumni
> networks, photo sharing, etc.? If so, what are the specific programs that
> the OIDF can undertake to facilitate this?
> Then there's the general challenge with mainstream awareness about OpenID
> and its benefits. When and how do we cost effectively inform and educate
> RPs and end users of the benefits? Seems premature to invest too much here
> until we've addressed some of the issues of UX and getting more early
> adopter RPs live, but should we have a goal to start doing more proactive
> outreach in the second half of 2009 assuming we can address the precursor
> issues in the first half?
> We've started to make some progress in commerce applications with Nat's
> success in Japan and the discussions about TX/CX, but there's a lot more
> market research we need to do to fully understand if, when, and how OpenID
> and other related open standards could/should play a role in online
> commerce. Can we set some goals for market research into retail
> applications for 2009? I've been working with Andrew, Eric, Raj, and Nat on
> trying to set up a Retail Advisory Committee similar to our Content Provider
> Advisory Committee to start doing some more systematic research on the needs
> of retailers with respect to trust, non-repudiation, PCI compliance, etc.
> Should we set some specific goals and measures of success around
> understanding retailers' needs in 2009?
> I think we all know that there's a long list of things we could do, but if
> we can come to a consensus on what the top 4 to 5 priorities are for the
> OIDF 2009, then we can put together programs and measures of success for
> those key objectives.
> Looking forward to a good discussion.
> Cheers,
> > Brian
> *==============*
> *Brian Kissel*
> *Cell: 503.866.4424*
> *Fax: 503.296.5502*
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Chris Messina
Citizen-Participant &
Open Web Advocate-at-Large
factoryjoe.com # diso-project.org
citizenagency.com # vidoop.com
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